By Tanya Jackson

Published: Monday, 30 May 2022 at 12:00 am

Megan McCubbin joined the Watches (Springwatch, Autumnwatch and Winterwatch) team during the lockdown of 2020, co-presenting with her step-father Chris Packham from their home in the New Forest. They had first appeared together on social media in their Self-Isolating Bird Club, a birdwatching community show they launched in March 2021 as a way to focus on nature during lockdown.

They were then seen together in the BBC show Chris and Meg’s Wild Summer, where the pair travelled the UK in an electric campervan looking for the nation’s wildlife to enjoy, photograph and discuss.

Lizard wizards ! We meet a fantastic sand lizard warming herself on the sand . Join @MeganMcCubbin and I on our ‘Wild Summer’ in Snowdonia – 830pm on Sunday @BBCTwo .

— Chris Packham (@ChrisGPackham) September 4, 2021