Dolphins often follow boats and bow-ride as it’s not only fun, but also an efficient way to travel

By BBC Wildlife Magazine

Published: Friday, 16 June 2023 at 12:00 am

“Our two most abundant dolphins, common and bottlenose, often bow-ride, but we see the latter species doing it more frequently since it spends more time inshore,” says Peter Evans, founder of the Sea Watch Foundation.

Why do dolphins ride bows?

“It’s an energy-efficient way to travel because the flow of water assists the animals, yet it’s mainly a form of play.”

As with children, however, the game can get competitive. “Dolphins jostle to ride the wave,” Peter explains.

“Adult males may push others away quite aggressively. Several females might stay on a bow wave happily enough, but if a couple of males turn up they will barge in and take over.”