Here are the most venomous spiders in the world, but just how deadly are they really?

By Leoma Williams

Published: Monday, 19 June 2023 at 12:00 am

Spiders list among some of the most feared animals on earth, but is this reputation fair? It is true that some, including all on this list, can inflict a painful bite in the right conditions, but there are many myths surrounding venomous spiders and their perceived deadliness.

Firstly, it is not the case that there are a few scary venomous spiders and the rest are venom free. In actuality the vast majority of spider species produce venom, and for a very good reason.  Like many venom-producing animals, the true purpose of spider venom is to subdue small prey (and not to harm humans!) – it is primarily an insecticide.  Learn about the difference between venomous and poisonous

Secondly, despite what you may have heard, there is actually no species of spider that can rightly be described as deadly. It is true that a few people have died after being bitten by a spider, but this is extremely rare (perhaps less than three deaths a year), and there is no species that is capable of deadliness in more than a handful of incidences.

As you will learn, even those with extremely potent venom aren’t always capable of delivering it or may not deliver any at all in any given bite. Truly deadly spiders are the stuff of movies, fortunately!

Most venemous spiders

Sydney funnel-web spider (Atrax robustus)

© Getty Imaqges

Found, as the name suggests, in and around Sydney, this native Australian spider is known as “the world’s deadliest spider”. This title may however be a bit dramatic. Although this species does have a very potent venom that is in some cases capable of being lethal to humans, very few people are bitten by them, and there has not been one recorded death since an antivenom was developed in 1980.

Additionally, it is thought that it is only the venom of males that is very potent. They should however still be avoided if possible, as the venom has a neurotoxin component that acts on the nervous system and symptoms of envenomation include severe pain, muscular twitching, and breathing difficulty.


Brazilian Wandering spider (Phoneutria genus)