Deep dive

Risso’s dolphins are rare and little-known, but conservationists are trying to learn more about them off the Balearic Islands

Rhino road trip

A pioneering translocation initiative is helping to secure the future of southern white rhinos in Africa

Troubled waters

Our rivers are in a mess, yet wildlife thrives in city waters. What has gone wrong and what is going right?

Miracle meadows

Ibiza’s seagrass is a wonder plant and one man has made it his mission to protect it

Lift off!

In the forests of Hokkaido, Japan, lives a small, cute, furry mammal with a superpower: it’s the Ezo flying squirrel

The power of poo

With a bit of probing, faeces can reveal fascinating, hidden information about an animal’s diet, territory and population size

American Dream

150 years ago, the first ever national park was created in the state of Wyoming by the 18th president of the United States, Ulysses S Grant. Today, Yellowstone remains one of the most iconic in the world.

Portfolio: Poppy appeal

As Remembrance Day approaches, we celebrate the poppy bee, a leafcutter that lines its underground brood chamber using poppy petals