Opinion: Gillian Burke

“I remind myself that life can be fragile but also irrepressible”
Muntjacs in the mist

The introduced deer – originally from south-east China – are most active around dawn and dusk
10 poisonous animals

Poisons accumulate within animal tissues and exert effects when touched or eaten. 1 POISON DART FROG Toxins are derived from its food 2 CANE TOAD Secretes bufotoxin when threatened 3 PFEFFER’S FLAMBOYANT CUTTLEFISH Has highly toxic muscle tissue and uses warning coloration to deter predators 4 GREENLAND SHARK High levels of poisonous trimethylamine oxide protect […]
Meet the scientist: David Daballen

A finalist in the Tusk Conservation Awards, David talks about protecting elephants in northern Kenya
Tree huggers

For Madagascar’s sifaka lemurs, there’s nothing cooler than hugging a tree – literally
New species discovery

Southern maned sloth
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Lost & Found

Common nighthawk, Wantage
Early promise of spring

“There’s something deeply comforting about the cyclical nature of botanising through the seasons,”