Mike Dilger’s wildlife spectacles: Come fly with me

Catch the strange side-slipping flight of overwintering geese as they plummet towards the ground

Nick Baker’s Hidden Britain: Stuck on you

The parasitic freshwater crustacean that likes to draw close to its fish host – before sucking its blood

American Dream

150 years ago, the first ever national park was created in the state of Wyoming by the 18th president of the United States, Ulysses S Grant. Today, Yellowstone remains one of the most iconic in the world.
Portfolio: Poppy appeal

As Remembrance Day approaches, we celebrate the poppy bee, a leafcutter that lines its underground brood chamber using poppy petals
Right back

After being hunted almost to extinction, southern right whales are making a mighty return
“Nature becomes a number that is there to be negotiated”

The pros and cons of developers ‘offsetting’ to conserve wildlife
The wild iron curtain

The former no-go zone between east and west has become, in parts, an accidental wildlife haven

Q & A Email your questions to wildquestions@immediate.co.uk How loud are whales? CHRIS VICK ANSWERS: Very! Whales make all kinds of noises for a variety of reasons and there are some truly spectacular examples. The song of the humpback whale is not especially loud, but it can travel over hundreds or even thousands of kilometres. […]