Go wild!

Your guide to getting closer to nature this month

The crossword

Spot the difference At about the size of a squirrel, the lesser galago is one of our smallest primates. Endemic to tropical Africa, the nocturnal omnivore lives in trees and has a widespread geographical range. Can you spot the five changes made to this image? You can find the answers in ‘Your Letters’. Photos: MARTIN […]

Photo club

PRIZE-WINNING PHOTO Cold as ice It had been snowing heavily all night where we were in Iceland and the temperature had dropped rapidly. This blue morph Arctic fox had been curled up against a structure to avoid the worst of the storm, and had woken covered in ice and frozen snow. It stretched itself and […]


Audun Rikardsen on saving whales, eagle selfies and sinking cameras

Your letters

I was shocked to see the number of bearskins worn WHILST WATCHING THE NEWS coverage of the preparations for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, I was shocked to see the huge number of bearskins worn by the Queen’s (now King’s) Guard. How can we as a nation dictate to other countries not to kill […]

Next month: Flying squirrel

NEXT MONTH Flying squirrel Ezo flying squirrels, a subspecies of the Siberian flying squirrel, are only found on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. During the winter months of lockdown, photographer Tony Wu embarked on a quest to get to know these charming little mammals and capture the intimate details of their daily lives – from […]