Wandering warblers

The Siberian songbirds getting lost en route south
Poo corner

ID GUIDE Water vole Water vole droppings are found grouped together in latrines, which they use to mark their territories, and measure 8-12mm long. They can be confused with rat poo, but have blunt ends and are green-black in colour whereas rat droppings are larger, smelly and brown-black in colour. “Water vole droppings are odourless, […]
Opinion Mark Carwardine

“Hare coursing is a serious problem in many rural areas”
As the moth flies

The impressive navigation strategies of migrating death’s-head hawkmoths rival those of birds
Mike Dilger’s wildlife spectacles: Jump around

Get settled by the water’s edge and marvel at fish bravely leaping homewards to reproduce
Nick Baker’s Hidden Britain

Clever adaptations allow the larvae of this parasitic hoverfly to happily munch on ant grubs undetected
Return to the frozen planet

Over a decade since Frozen Planet first aired on the BBC, the series is back, offering extraordinary new footage of life in the most extreme environments on Earth
Art for change

Enjoy works from the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation Wildlife Artist of the Year competition, in association with BBC Wildlife
Room for a little one?

The once ubiquitous house sparrow has suffered a drastic decline. It’s time to step in and lend our small and charming neighbours a helping hand.
Rise & shine

Strange but beautiful fungi and slime moulds are popping up beneath our feet. It’s time to slow down and marvel at a magical techicolour show.