No-mow roads

Councils are catching on to the potential of verges for wildflowers

Dragonfly debut

Dragonfly debut May sees the first dragonflies patrolling weedy ditches and pools. They’re usually hairy dragonflies, which fly early in the year. To tell them apart from other species, you’ll need a clear view of a perched dragonfly to make out the hirsute thorax (it’s hard to see when it’s flying). Hairy dragonflies are found […]

Swallow staycation

Record numbers of our most celebrated migrant bird never left British shores this winter

New species discovery

NEW SPECIES DISCOVERY Rose-veiled fairy wrasse WHAT IS IT? Originally thought to be an adult of a different fairy wrasse species, Cirrhilabrus rubrisquamis, further analysis of both adults and juveniles of this beautiful fish has revealed that it is in fact a separate species. It has been named the rose-veiled fairy wrasse, Cirrhilabrus finifenmaa. WHERE […]