Real-life bambi

Real-life bambi Ridiculously cute roe deer kids are born in May and June, often hidden in long grass or bracken, where their spotty coats provide camouflage. Twins are the norm, unlike in Britain’s larger deer, and the young now taking their first wobbly steps are the result of matings last summer. In the 1923 book […]
Squeezy not wheezy

Now we know how boa constrictors can eat and breathe at the same time
Collective nouns

A descent of woodpeckers
Big and beautiful

Catch the showy colours of one of Britain’s largest moths
Female of the species

Lucy Cooke on the extraordinary reproductive feat of one marsupial
White herons in our midst

Birders hope to see more cattle egrets this May The cattle egret is a little white heron with global ambitions. It is familiar throughout the tropics and spreading in temperate regions – the species ranges over more of the world than any other land bird, with the possible exception of the barn owl. It has […]
Poo corner

European hedgehog
Cloud forest catastrophe

Endangered amphibians, including a toad new to science, are at risk from copper mining in Ecuador