Should base rides be part of your winter training plan? We spoke to two coaches to find out

By Charlie Allenby

Published: Thursday, 23 November 2023 at 17:00 PM

Most cyclists could be forgiven for putting their feet up in the depths of winter, staying out of the cold and enjoying the off-season, with only social rides keeping the legs turning. Others, though, will be ticking off the miles in the name of ‘base training’.

But are long, slow miles worth building into your winter training plan? Or is base training best left to WorldTour pros who can dedicate 30 hours a week to riding?

We’ve spoken to three cycling coaches to discover whether base training for cyclists is a myth or a must-do.

What is base training?

Liam Cahill riding Lauf Seigla along gravel trail.
Slow, long base miles in the winter lay the foundation for more intense training to come.
Felix Smith / Our Media

Base training involves long, steady rides intended to build your aerobic fitness.

Mac Cassin, lead sports scientist at Wahoo Fitness, describes base training as “low-intensity, higher volume riding” typically in the winter (or off-season, for cyclists who race in the spring and summer).

This form of training provides the foundation on which to build your form through the rest of the season. The clue is in the name – if you consider your fitness as a pyramid, base training provides a solid endurance base, while your top-end form, typically developed through short, sharp interval training sessions, is represented by the peak of the pyramid.

“The goal is to develop your aerobic base fitness,” explains Matt Rowe of Rowe & King Cycle Coaching. “That gives you the fitness and ability to train harder and absorb a greater workload further down the line.”

Completing a phase of low-intensity endurance training prepares the body for more intense work to come, adds Matt Bottrill of Matt Bottrill Performance Coaching, enabling you to build sustainably towards a higher peak of form.

“Things like HIIT [High Intensity Interval Training] are the pillars of your future training blocks, which is how you’re going to get your peak performance,” he says. “But base training is about building those foundations so you can then take the load.”

In terms of intensity, slow and steady is the name of the game – this is no smashfest around the local lanes, chasing KOM/QOMs on Strava. Base training rides should involve riding steadily in zone two of your training zones.

ZoneNameHeart rate (% of threshold HR)Power (% of threshold power)Typical duration
1Active recoveryLess than 68%Less than 55%n/a
2Endurance69-83%56-75%3+ hours
3Tempo / Sweetspot84-94%76-90%20 mins to 1 hour
4Threshold95-105%91-105%10 to 30 mins
5VO2 maxMore than 106%106-120%3 to 8 mins
6Anaerobic capacityn/aMore than 121%30 seconds to 3 mins

If you train with a power meter, zone two is 56 to 75 per cent of your Functional Threshold Power; if you train with a heart rate monitor, zone two is 65 to 75 per cent of your maximum heart rate.

In any case, your rating of perceived exertion should be about 4/10, with 10 being an all-out effort. Your breathing should be controlled so that you can hold a conversation.

There is some debate over training with heart rate vs training with power. Generally, heart rate is considered a more affordable and easy way to gain insight into your training, while power will give you a more accurate and real-time reflection of your output.

Cassin says a typical base training workout in the Wahoo Systm app, which would usually be done outside, would involve a five-minute warm-up followed by up to five hours at zone 2 and then five minutes’ cool down.

What are the benefits of base training?

Merida Scultura Limited Road bike
Improved efficiency from base training benefits your top-end fitness too.
Russell Burton / Our Media

Base training has three main benefits: to improve your aerobic efficiency; to improve your ability to use fat as a fuel source and to provide a solid foundation of fitness on which to build your form.

Let’s take a closer look at the physiological impact on your body and how that will set you up for the season to come.

“Base training improves your endurance, so you’re able to cycle at a lower percentage of your VO2 max,” says Rowe.

As a result, you’ll be able to produce the same wattage from less effort, he adds. Put simply, this will enable you to ride faster before becoming fatigued.

Base training has other benefits beyond your effort-to-output ratio. “It enables you to cycle more aerobically, using more fat as opposed to carbohydrates as a fuel source,” adds Rowe.

When riding at a low-to-moderate intensity, the body is using its aerobic energy system, with fat as the primary fuel source. The good thing about fat is that there are almost endless supplies of it, but it takes the body a lot longer to turn it into energy.

During high-intensity efforts (be it going with a break or tackling a hill) or when fatigued, the body switches to its limited stores of glucose sourced from carbohydrates (glycogen), stored in muscles and the liver.

Cervelo ZFS-5 XX SL AXS full suspension mountain bike
A bigger aerobic base spares energy for full-gas efforts.
Steve Behr / Our Media

By boosting the body’s ability to source energy from fat during steady efforts, it leaves your limited carbohydrate stores ready for when you need them most (those high-intensity efforts) – and potentially prevents the dreaded bonk. Base training will help raise your FatMax, the point at which your body switches from fat to carbohydrates as the primary fuel source.

A solid base will also leave you better prepared for any setbacks in training, according to Rowe: “Once you’ve got that solid base, if you have a bit of time off due to illness or injury, you bounce back a lot quicker.

“Also, when you build up the training sustainably, you hold your form for longer when starting off with a good base.”