Start your child on the journey to riding with pedals
Balance bikes are a great starting point for kids when they’re learning to ride. They get the hang of balancing while moving without relying on stabilisers, so the transition to a pedal bike is often much quicker.
Our guide to teaching a child to cycle in 30 minutes is a good starting point for a first pedal bike, but if your child has just got a balance bike, or is used to riding one and is ready to move on to a bike with pedals, the followings tips will help.
We’ve also got a guide to the best kids’ bikes, with recommendations for children of all ages, and advice for cycling with kids.
How to ride a balance bike
1. Striding

Let your child stride along aboard the balance bike, allowing them to enjoy the feeling of movement under their own power.
Pretty soon, they will understand that with a little more striding they can lift their feet and glide for a few feet.
They may need help staying upright in the beginning, so it’s best that you support your child rather than the bike because this will enable them to stay in control of the bike and understand how to balance it.
2. Gliding

Once children are able to glide on their balance bike, they’re already past the point of stabilisers.
When you start to become concerned that they can glide longer and faster than you can run, it’s time to think about a bicycle with pedals. These first two steps can last months or years.
You can get balance bikes for toddlers, so they can start to become familiar with the feeling of striding and gliding from early on. This will help them develop their sense of balance.
Then, when your child is ready, you can move on to a bike with pedals.
3. From balance bike to pedal bike

When choosing your child’s first pedal bike, look for something with proper brakes front and rear. It should also be the correct size, allowing them to comfortably reach the floor with both feet.
Remove the pedals from the new bike. Take the child, the balance bike and the new pedal version to a park with a shallow grass slope.
Let the child stride and glide down the slope on their balance bike. As experienced gliders, they should nail it first time with big smiles.
4. Using pedals

Now explain that you’re going to fit the pedals, but that they’re not going to pedal.
It’s just another stride and glide, only this time as they lift their feet off the grass, instead of holding them in the air, they need to place them on the pedals without trying to turn them. Get them to let the glide peter out as usual.
5. First cycling steps

After a few goes gliding with pedals as footrests, tell them that next time they can turn the pedals forward.
It will keep their speed up and enable them to add power to the glide when the slope stops doing it for them.
6. Keep practising

Most kids nail this first time. Let them keep practising these steps: stride a few paces, use the slope to instigate the glide phase, feet to the pedals, feel the glide begin to fade, turn the pedals forward.
Have a camera handy – your child is now cycling without stabilisers. Now all you need to do is facilitate regular sessions so they can continue practising and build confidence.
Remember to give lots of praise. Stuff will go wrong, kids will fall off, just make sure you’re ready to make them feel better with patience, love and sweets.