By Tom Marvin

Published: Friday, 04 February 2022 at 12:00 am

While it may seem premature, are the first signs of spring popping out here in the UK? Certainly, the bulbs I planted in autumn are showing strong growth, with a few little snowdrops peeking their white heads above the soil.

It’s certainly getting that way in the bike industry too, with a brace of new bikes, as well as a new dropper being unveiled this week.

Luke Marshall has been the lucky chap who’s got hold of the new Santa Cruz Heckler ebike – as seems to be the fashion these days, there are 29in and mullet options, as well as a far-reaching battery.

Then, when it comes to curly bars, we saw the release of the new Cotic Cascade. Cotic is a brand with a long history of bringing out some amazing steel mountain bikes, and I wonder how this steel gravel bike will fare when on test?