By Cycling Plus

Published: Monday, 21 February 2022 at 12:00 am

Like many bicycle accessories, bells split opinion. Some riders are adamant you should use a bell, particularly when out on your best mountain bike or gravel riding.

To them, a musical tinkle cuts through the air much better than a raised voice, and sounds less aggressive too. As a result, bell advocates claim they’re warmly received by pedestrians, horse riders and other cyclists.

Bell ringers argue more detailed information, such as “on your right”, can be offered once path users are aware of your presence.

On the other hand, some riders make the case against bicycle bells. Those in the anti-bell corner believe you’re travelling too fast on shared trails if you feel the need to resort to a bell.

A friendly verbal warning should suffice, because you shouldn’t be chasing Strava crowns amid pedestrians and more sedate cyclists, they claim.

But if you are firmly in the bell camp and looking for a stylish and effective way to communicate your presence on a bicycle to other road users and pedestrians, you’ve some to the right place.

There’s also an option to combine a GPS mount and bell that won’t compromise the style or aerodynamics of the best road bikes.

We’ve put six of the best bike bells to the test with varying looks, price points and ‘dings’.

The best bike bells in 2022

Lion Urban

5.0 out of 5 star rating

Lion’s Urban bell is made in the UK.
Our Media
  • £20.95

This is a cycling artefact of almost unbelievable visual and aural loveliness.

The chunky nickel sliver (copper/zinc/nickel alloy) bell is assembled in Manchester from parts made in Birmingham and Barnsley and the sound is loud, sweet and pure with a sustain of over 20 seconds.

There are stainless-steel fittings for stem or bar.

Electra Ringer

4.0 out of 5 star rating