We find out which upgrades offer the biggest aero gains for the least money

By Simon von Bromley

Published: Monday, 20 March 2023 at 12:00 am

If you’re looking to ride your bike faster, aerodynamic drag is typically the biggest thing holding you back.

Upgrading to a dedicated aero road bike can come at significant cost, though.

Fortunately, there are plenty of other bits of kit that don’t cost the earth but can dramatically decrease your overall aerodynamic drag.

To find out what the best-value aero upgrades are, we enlisted the help of Stephen Roche of The Bike Tailor (an expert in bike fitting, aero testing and custom builds based in London and Brighton), and the wind tunnel at the Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub.

With Roche’s help, we put a range of products and riding positions to the test to find out which offer the biggest aero gains for the least money.