Mixed fortunes

Ned finds himself back reporting at the eventful Paris-Roubaix


If you’re reading this beginner’s special, then there’s a chance that you’re new to cycling. It’s an exciting time, one of discovery and pushing of boundaries, but also one of information overload and contradictory advice. We hope you can take some solid gold nuggets with you from this guide, such as Rob Ainsley’s top 10 […]

Rites of passage

Entering the cycling world can be daunting, but we’re here to help. Here’s our guide to those inevitable things that every rider will experience…

Big riders

Nearly two thirds of Brits are now overweight or obese but cycling is the perfect way to get back in shape. We speak to four riders who prove that weight is no barrier to discovering a love of cycling…

Rising tide

Cycling trips by women rose by 56% in the first national lockdown. Four riders share their experiences and tell how they’ve caught the bug

Starter for 10

Ten routes for the new rider, offering everything from easy kid-friendly riverside jaunts to tougher multi-day tours, and all avoiding busy roads