Looking to create a beautiful flower display that will last for a very long time? Here are the best dried flowers to buy, if you don’t have the time to dry them yourself

By Daisy Bowie-Sell

Published: Wednesday, 22 February 2023 at 12:00 am

While there are lots of easy ways of drying flowers, from the traditional hanging method as explained by floral artist Bex Partridge, or pressing flowers, sometimes it’s easier to get the experts to do it.

If you want a long-lasting flower arrangement then looking to dried flowers could be the perfect option. Most dried flowers will last a very long time, if cared for properly and not left too close to direct sunlight (as their colour will fade). While these blooms mostly don’t smell (although they definitely can!), they can bring all the joy of a just grown rose and, arguably, could be better for the environment: if you’re only buying one bunch to last a while, then there’s no need to rely on lots of cheaper, unethical bunches from dubious sources.

There are certain flowers that are better for drying, and we explain which those are here. But if you’re looking for pre-dried flowers – for a wedding, perhaps, or just for a table top – then there are lots of options out there. We’d always recommend buying from a reputable seller, who uses flowers from a sustainable source.

How long do dried flowers last?

Dried flowers, if properly dried and cared for, should last at least a year and could last up to three. A top tip to keeping your dried flowers happy is to place them away from sunlight – so their colour doesn’t fade – and try to keep them away from water or anywhere humid. Dried flowers that have been preserved in glycerin or dyed can last for much longer, but we’d recommend keeping things natural and avoiding these artificial ways of prolonging your dried flowers.

Looking for vases to put your dried flowers into? Here’s our pick of bud flower vases. 

The best dried flowers to buy

Pampass Grass


As we wrote recently, pampas grass is back in fashion, but it’s not just outside in your front gardens that it’s catching people’s eyes. Pampass grass can make the best dried flowers, as part of an overall arrangement, or just in a vase on its own – as seen here.

This selection of white pampas grass comes as 40 stems and measures at about 45cm in height. Though the grass is quite fluffy and feathery, if cared for properly, it shouldn’t moult too much. It’s advised that when you get it you should let it stand in a sunny and ventilated place so that any lingering odours dissipate.

Here’s more on growing ornamental grasses in your own garden.