Want to see August flowers in full bloom? Head to these gardens and nurseries


Published: Thursday, 25 July 2024 at 20:39 PM

Tom Brown, head gardener at West Dean Gardens, picks the places to go to see the best of August’s flowers. Read our feature on his favourite August blooms. and don’t miss our piece on the gardening jobs for this month.  

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Gardens to visit in August

Special Plants

Derry Watkins’ garden and nursery Special Plants is a delight for plantaholics. Although she gardens on heavy clay, Derry has a real passion for Mediterranean plants, and has created two gravel gardens to show off her extensive collection. The gardens are a real treat for enthusiasts and are open every Tuesday until October. Derry’s nursery is open daily and full of unusual perennials, grasses, and biennials. Special Plants, Greenways Lane, Cold Ashton, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN14 8LA. Tel 01225 891686, specialplants.net The nursery is now open 10 to 5 Tuesday to Saturday, with no booking needed. 

Abbotsbury Subtropical Garden

Although famed for its spring-flowering camellias, and magnolias, Abbotsbury Subtropical Garden is even more exciting in high summer. Hydrangeas and tender perennials steal the show with a diversity and vibrancy that has an appropriately subtropical flavour. The gardens also enjoy stunning views of the Jurassic Coast. Open daily until December when they close for a couple of weeks. Buller’s Way, Abbotsbury, Weymouth, Dorset DT3 4LA. Tel 01305 871387, abbotsburytickets.co.uk Online booking is advisable but not essential.

Great Comp Garden

You know you’ve made it as a nurseryman or gardener, when your name becomes synonymous with a particular plant. This is true of William Dyson and his collection of salvias at Great Comp Garden. William is curator of the garden in Sevenoaks, and his adjoining nursery offers a huge range of salvias that can be seen in varied garden situations – responding particularly well to the hot, drier conditions of August. Visitors can also explore gardens that wrap around a 17th-century manor house and showcase many unusual perennials, including kniphofias, crocosmias, dahlias and many grasses and shrubs. Comp Lane, St Mary’s Platt, Sevenoaks, Kent TN15 8QS. Tel 01732 885094, greatcompgarden.co.uk. The nursery, garden and tea room are open from 10am to 5pm.


Marchants Hardy Plants

As the summer rolls on, and our focus turns to late summer-flowering perennials and grasses, a visit to Graham Gough’s nursery Marchants Hardy Plants is a must. Graham and his wife Lucy have created a wonderful garden, despite the horticultural challenges of an incredibly exposed, cold site with very heavy soil. Inspired by naturalistic planting styles, Graham has developed a fine collection of perennials, and his artistic eye is matched by his immense knowledge. He particularly excels at using tried-and-tested grasses, from panicums to pennisetums, which intermingle with eupatoriums, sedums and asters. 2 Marchants Cottages Mill Lane, Laughton, Lewes, East Sussex BN8 6AJ. Tel 01323 811737, marchantshardyplants.co.uk Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday only, 10am to 5pm.