Head gardener of Stockton Bury Tamsin Westhorpe explains ten simple tips that will help you care for your lawn

By Tamsin Westhorpe

Published: Friday, 30 August 2024 at 06:00 AM

Throughout the centuries lawns have often been thought of as a status symbol. In the past, only the wealthy could give up garden space for such an unproductive luxury. However, today with many of us living in built up areas we yearn for a quick to grow surface that offers us the opportunity to play and relax in our gardens.

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Lawns are a cost-effective way of creating a multifunctional space and they reduce the need to instal impermeable surfaces such as concrete and paving. Laying a lawn is by far the cheapest way to create a garden and over the years it can easily be reshaped, enlarged or reduced.

Wheelbarrow full with grass clippings on mown, striped lawn at Hever Castle gardens © Martin Barraud/Getty

With our changing climate lawns cool the atmosphere and play their part in reducing flooding. They are also heaven to walk on bare foot and the perfect playground for our children and pets.

There are several different types of lawns – the lawn with stripes, the rough and tumble family lawn or the relaxed long lawn. Each requires a slightly different maintenance regime – how you choose to keep your lawn depends on time, energy and expectation.

How to care for your lawn

Establishing an instant lawn from turf

Fresh turf squares on a lawn
Fresh turf squares on a lawn © Rosmarie Wirz/Getty

The best time to lay turf is in autumn but it can be laid any time until spring. It is important to avoid laying in very wet or frosty weather. Before turfing prepare the ground by removing weeds and stones. Turn the top 20cm of soil and improve it by adding topsoil if the ground is poor. A heavy clay soil may benefit from the addition of gravel. Level the site and firm using a roller, then rake over before laying the turf. Applying a pre-turfing feed will help establishment. Try and stay off the turf until it shows signs of growth. Water if dry and remove fallen autumn leaves.

Establishing seed sown lawns