Published: Wednesday, 01 December 2021 at 12:00 am
Plant Profile
What Ferns are an important group of vascular, non-flowering plants, valued in gardens for their atmospheric and long-lasting foliage. Hardy evergreen ferns retain their foliage throughout winter in temperate regions, making their decorative contribution even more valuable. These ancient plants also have their own language, with their leaves known as fronds and the leaflets pinnae. Fern species are in the main instantly recognisable as a group,
but somewhat harder to distinguish from one another. As a result, the specific common names are in general rather dry, with names such as soft shield fern and Korean rock fern.
Origins Ferns are global and exist in every climate zone. Hardy evergreens can be found in a variety of temperate regions. Season Evergreen ferns are in display for 12 months of the year. Size Varies from 20cm
to 1.5m.
Conditions In general, ferns tend to prefer shady, reasonably well-drained conditions with a ready supply of moisture, although there are many individual exceptions to this. Hardiness Variable. Ferns in this article range from RHS H3 to RHS H7, and are suitable for gardens in USDA zones 3a to 9b.
Where to plant ferns
Ferns work well in many different garden settings but are the perfect solution for a shady garden. Few perennials have such a distinctive and instantly recognisable form as ferns, despite their huge variation in appearance and size.
The conditions under which ferns will flourish is also quite variable. Hart’s tongues or Asplenium scolopendrium, for example, often find their way from the flower border to gaps in walls and paving, and are tolerant of deep, dry shade, while the beautiful Osmunda regalis will thrive in wet conditions (even with its feet in water) and will make strong colonies of fronds more than 1.2m tall.
The common polypody is unusual among ferns for its tolerance for high light levels. Where plenty of moisture is available, it may grow epiphytically on trees or logs, but is equally at home on land. It colonises by gently spreading rhizomes.
30cm. RHS H7†.
Asplenium trichomanes
The dainty maidenhair spleenwort is native to the UK but also has an unusually broad global distribution, encompassing much of Europe, Asia and the Americas. It is most at home on the north face of a stone wall.
20cm. AGM. RHS H6, USDA 5a-8b.
Arachniodes simplicior
An unusual-looking fern due to its spidery growth and variegation – pale-yellow blotches at the base of each leaflet create the impression of zingy stripes. An established colony is quite a sight.
70cm. RHS H3, USDA 6a-9b.
Blechnum penna-marina
Forms a low-growing mat that becomes variegated in spring as fresh fronds unfurl in rufous tones above the dark, season-old foliage. Great for colonising nooks and crannies such as broad paving joints.
20cm. RHS H4.
Adiantum venustum
Delicate divided and sub-divided fronds hold unusually scallop-shaped pinnae in a gracefully cascading mound. The wiry, black stems contrast agreeably with the acidic green of the leaf tissue.
40cm. AGM. RHS H7.
Blechnum spicant
The so-called hard fern can look sombre at times, with its dark, leathery, sterile fronds carpeting the ground. But the emergence of upright, fertile fronds in spring provides spectacular relief.
50cm. AGM. RHS H6, USDA 5a-8b.
Dryopteris erythrosora ‘Brilliance’
The striking, bronze foliage of the copper shield fern is particularly marked in this cultivar. After a strong early flush, fresh fronds unfurl at a gentler pace through the growing season.
1m. AGM. RHS H5, USDA 5a-8b.
Cyrtomium fortunei
Holly ferns are evocative of an imagined Jurassic Age. C. fortunei is less glossy-leaved but hardier than the otherwise similar species C. falcatum. Great for creating a tropical effect at ground level.
1m. AGM. RHS H3, USDA 6a-9b.
Woodwardia fimbriata
Native to western North America from British Columbia to Baja California. In warm, wet conditions its fronds are capable of growing more than 2m in length, but this is unlikely to be quite matched in the UK.
1.5m. AGM. RHS H3.
Blechnum cordatum
Creeping, rhizomatous fern with upright fronds, competitive enough to make an exclusive stand of hard-looking foliage. Once happily established, the fronds may grow to a remarkable height of up to 1.5m.
Another narrow-fronded fern mutation but much more substantial and robust than the Athyrium. It can take sunshine with enough moisture but is best grown in shade on humus-rich soils.
A substantial fern with matt, softly textured and slightly limp, mid-green pinnae held on arching fronds. Will tolerate some dryness once established. Best in dappled shade.
When grown well this fern’s foliage has large, green, palmate fronds peppered in striking sori (spore capsules). Needs moist, rich soil and part shade.
An evergreen fern collected in northeast Himalaya. Initially thought to be tender, it has now survived three winters in the stumpery. Long ascending fronds are lustrous on the upper surface and glaucous underneath.
Cristate form of hart’s tongue fern with delightfully unruly foliage that catches the light on shiny, crumpled fronds. Once established will tolerate some drought.
A clump-forming fern with lovely, soft, broad fronds, the new croziers are particularly hairy, and the overall effect is a flatter congregation of fronds than most other ferns.