By Daniel Griffiths

Published: Thursday, 20 January 2022 at 12:00 am

How to choose a robot lawnmower

Why go to all the trouble of pushing a lawnmower around your lawn when you can have a ‘robot’ do it for you?

For some, mowing a lawn is a satisfying exercise, an excuse to get out there and keep an eye on all of your garden, not just the lawn. For others it’s a tiring, mucky chore that they’d gladly wish away. You know into which camp you fall!


Robot lawnmowers – lawnmowers that combine a motorised drive system, cutting blades and a brain to keep it on the right track – have come on leaps and bounds in the past few years. A modern mower allows you to live the dream, autonomously mowing your grass to a schedule, avoiding obstacles, detecting edges and will even plug itself in to recharge when exhausted.

And, because robot lawnmowers are effectively mulching lawnmowers – with no grass storage – you don’t even have to collect and dispose of the clippings. They work by making fine cuts to shorter grass. I.e. Rather than cutting when the grass is long, a robot mower cuts less actual grass… but does it much more often. The result is a lawn that’s – basically – always picture perfect.

Features to look out for when choosing a robot mower

Your first consideration is the size and shape of your lawn. In brief the flatter, more regular and smaller your lawn, the more a robot mower will be a perfect fit. As ever with tech, test it too far and you’re inviting disappointment. We’ve seen huge lawns mowed by ‘teams’ of two or three robot mowers just to make sure the job is done right!

The fact is that large areas require more time and power to mow. It may be that a small mower simply isn’t up to the job so check it’s range and capacity – how many square metres can it do before a recharge? Get out there with a tape measure and learn just how much lawn needs cutting.

Also slopes and inclines – and wet slippery surfaces – can cause some smaller mowers problems. Larger wheels and tracks can help here. And make a note of the degrees angle that each mower can cope with.


Also shaped lawns require some clever thinking on the part of the mower itself so you may wind up with some missed bits without careful planning. Advanced mapping features of some mowers make them smarter than others and most now use a mobile phone app to give you precise control of when and how it goes about its business.

There are even models equipped with GPS allowing them to genuinely learn your lawn, while most use a simple perimeter wire fencing (supplied in the box) which will require careful installation but will always ensure that your new mower is always cutting the grass rather than your begonias.

Some even allow Alexa or Siri (Apple HomeKit) control so getting your lawn cut is now a barked instruction from your armchair.

And, best of all, our selection below have all done their best to thwart the problems above and we’re certain there’s something labour-saving, and – let’s face it – just that little bit incredible, delightful and entertaining for you below.

Eight best robot lawnmowers

Flymo EasiLife 500 GO


The Flymo is the Amazon number one best-seller and – coming from Flymo, who’ve more than a little expertise in grass cutting innovation – that’s hardly a surprise.

Flymo describe it as being suitable for ‘medium’ gardens with a cutting capacity of 500m2. That converts to a lawn that’s 90 x 60 feet so a pretty sizey bit of turn and no mean feat for a machine that Flymo say is their most compact model yet.

There are simple buttons on the top surface to allow you to start, stop and program timing, or if you want finer, more visual control go to the Flymo app which will pass on your instructions to your mower wirelessly over bluetooth.

There’s tilt, lift and collision sensors for safety – it cleverly detects the edges of your lawn to avoid running off piste – and a big ‘stop’ button on the top should you quickly need some manual control.

It can cope with 25 degree inclines and when it needs charging it’ll automatically drive off to its lawn-side dock and power up.

It’s a mulching mower – so there’s no grass collection to take care of – and you can even safely hose it down to keep it looking pristine.