If you were charmed by the auriculas in the February 2022 issue of Gardens Illustrated, now is your chance to get your hands on some of these beautiful spring plants.
Specialist auricula grower, Woottens of Wenhaston, has just released its highly anticipated Primula auricula mail order availability for 2022. Offering a wide selection of both the show and alpine types, Woottens is one of the best places to shop for these special flowers, and was the focus of our feature. But be quick – they sell out fast.

Due to high demand, some varieties will be limited to one per order. Orders will be dispatched towards the end of March, and may flower in April this year – if not, they will settle in and flower next spring.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, auriculas were among the most popular plants collected by English Florists’ Societies, and while they don’t command the high prices of snowdrops, they remain popular with collectors today.
Luci and Gillian, the specialist growers at Woottens, say that auriculas are best grown in individual pots and ideally grown in an auricula theatre – a shelving system designed to show off the variety and intricate beauty of the flowers.
If you miss the boat this time, more availability lists will be released later in the summer, if the plants at the nursery grow well this spring.
There will also be a selection of auriculas for sale on Saturdays when the nursery reopens from 12th March – a little later than planned, thanks to damage from the recent storms. Woottens is also planning to hold an Auricula Open Day on Saturday 23rd April.
To buy auriculas, visit woottensplants.com.
Woottens of Wenhaston, The Iris Field, Hall Road, Wenhaston, Suffolk IP19 9HF.
Tel: 01502 478258. Website: woottensplants.com
Open: Saturdays from 12 March to October, 10am-4pm.