By Veronica Peerless

Published: Thursday, 21 April 2022 at 12:00 am

What is a cloche?

A cloche acts like a tiny greenhouse, creating a sheltered microclimate within that is warm and protects plants from cold, wind, rain and pests. Cloches can be used all year round, so planning how you will use your cloche will mean you can move it from crop to crop as and when needed.

Here are just some of the reasons why you might want to use a cloche in the garden:

Warm the soil for sowing Put the cloche into position ten days or a fortnight before sowing seeds or planting out seedlings, to warm the soil. Keep the area covered and the cloche should ensure quicker germination.
Protect seedlings and plants from harsh weather A cloche can be used to protect all kinds of salad, veg and fruit from harsh weather, such as dwarf peas, carrots, radishes, sweetcorn and capsicums as well as fruit like strawberries and melons and flower seedlings such as sweet peas.
Hardening off A cloche can be used to harden off seedlings in spring, in a similar way to a cold frame – just place the cloche over the seedlings at night, removing it during the day, for around 10 days.
Protect plants from pests and diseases Cloches can help prevent birds eating vulnerable crops such as strawberries and may also help protect against mildew and blight, as they stop the leaves being wetted by rain – just be sure to provide adequate ventilation (see below).
Grow winter salad and herbs A cloche can help to yield bountiful supplies of salad leaves and herbs in the cooler months.
Protect individual plants You can also place a cloche over an individual plant, such as a dahlia that you have overwintered in the garden and want to encourage into growth in spring.
Ripen crops In poor weather, especially at the end of the season, you can use a cloche to ripen crops.

Six cloches to buy

Haxnicks Original Victorian Bell Garden Cloche


Haxnicks Victorian Bell Garden Cloches are perfect for protecting seedlings in spring, especially veg plants that need a long growing season, such as courgettes or melons. They can also be used to protect tender plants over the cooler months. They allow the maximum amount of sunlight to be captured at any angle. Made from high grade UV stabilised plastic, they have an adjustable air vent on top for easy ventilation and humidity control.

Available in packs of two or three in three sizes (Baby, Original and Kingsize), they are stackable for easy storage when not in use.