By Alys Hurn

Published: Friday, 20 January 2023 at 12:00 am

If you love watching garden birds visit your garden, you may want to think about investing in more than a hanging bird feeder. To welcome a diverse selection of feathery visitors, you’ll need to provide some options, one of which is a bird table.

Why? Because different species of birds enjoy feeding from different kinds of eateries.

Blackbirds, robins and wrens prefer food that’s available at ground level. This of course can attract unwanted visitors – so be wary of that and offer some protection too. Small tits and finches, however, are happy guzzling seeds from smaller hanging tables.

Larger birds need more space and a sturdy platform. If big birds are on your guest list, size matters when it comes to choosing a bird table for the garden. If you’re more interested in helping smaller species, a roof over your table will prevent large birds, such as wood pigeons, from dominating it. You’ll find many tables have an adjustable roof, which gives you more choice when it comes to attracting birds to your birdy banquet.

We’ve chosen a selection of bird tables for the garden to suit every style, size and budget. Here’s our list of bird tables for all types of garden birds.

Don’t forget to provide water for preening and drinking, too – here are 14 of the best bird baths.

Want some tips on how to attract birds into your garden? 

And if you’re looking for wonderful places to go birdwatching?  

Bird tables for all types of garden birds

Large Open Bird Table


Sturdy and protected with a weather-proof finish, this is a long-lasting table suitable for a garden of any size. The dimensions of the platform are generous and allows you to leave nuts, seeds, fruit or food scraps out for feathery visitors of all sizes. And perhaps a water dish too.

Handmade with FSC certified wood, it’s a well-built table at a good height from the ground (1300mm) to protect birds from cats, although you might want to consider a squirrel guard.