By Daisy Bowie-Sell

Published: Thursday, 22 December 2022 at 12:00 am

Raised flower beds can be an easy way of providing some character and variety to your garden beds. Whether you use your raised flower beds for flowers or vegetables, they are a good way of keeping things tidy and organised and giving you a specific area to focus on for growing. From a design point of view, raised beds can be a great way of offering differing levels to the layout of your garden, as well as filling in different corners and nooks and crannies.

Raised beds are also accessible, offering a higher working height, so are ideal for those with limited mobility. As they need to be filled with topsoil and/or compost, they also allow you to grow plants that would not thrive in your garden’s soil. Raised beds also warm up more quickly in spring, which means that you can get a head start on sowing seeds.

What to plant in raised flower beds

The short answer to this is, pretty much everything. The beauty of a raised bed is that you can fill it with soil tailored to the plants that you want to grow – you could fill the bed with well-drained soil, compost and grit for Mediterranean herbs, for example, or ericaceous compost for acid-loving plants. Just make sure that the raised bed is deep enough to accommodate the rootballs of the plants.

Making your own raised flower beds

This is not quite as easy as it sounds, believe us, we know from experience, although it can be a thoroughly rewarding thing to do. If you aim to build raised beds yourself, then make sure you have wood that’s suitable for all weathers, that hasn’t been treated in toxic finshes – this can get into the soil and affect the plants. Huge railway sleepers were in fashion and they can be very sturdy additions to a bed, but they are hard to transport and once they’re in, it’s hard to change your mind about where you want them. The selection of raised flower beds we have below offer ease of construction, but also the potential to move them around.

The best raised flower beds for the garden

The Chamberlain Rectangular Wooden Raised Flower Bed


These are no-fuss, easy to construct raised flower beds, which you can put pretty much anywhere in a flat garden. You can use these as either flower or vegetable beds and their size means they are easy to plant in – too long or wide can make accessing parts of your raised flower beds tricky. It means you can avoid soil compaction from having to stand or kneel on your bed. The raised beds are 155cm long by 80cm wide with a height of 20cm. In total you’re looking at a capacity of 239 litres. The interlocking timber sections mean you don’t need any annoying fixtures or fixings to set them up.