By Katie Beale

Published: Tuesday, 26 April 2022 at 12:00 am

A trusty wheelbarrow is an essential for a huge variety of different outdoor jobs, from pruning flowers to building a treehouse and just general garden tidying. Handy for use both in allotments and larger gardens, it’s a versatile piece of kit and makes quick work of otherwise difficult tasks. 

How to choose your wheelbarrow 

While we’re probably all familiar with the standard steel wheelbarrow you can find in most garden centres, there’s actually a huge variety of options out there. With so many different models on offer, you’re sure to find one to suit your needs. 

A single-wheel pushcart will have a good level of maneuverability, ideal for small spaces, but less stability with heavy loads or on uneven ground than an option with two or three. You’ll also find garden wheelbarrows with a closed handlebar, as opposed to two straight handles, which makes pulling heavy loads much easier. 

Choosing the material of the tray is probably the most significant decision you’ll need to make. Most of the best wheelbarrows are constructed from steel, for heavy-duty jobs, or plastic, for light work and easy transportation. But these days there are a few eco-friendly options around too. 

Then, of course, there are your own personal requirements to consider: any mobility problems you have, where you’ll store your wheelbarrow and how much you value aesthetics. We’ve selected a range of options to tick all the different boxes. 

The best wheelbarrows for your garden or allotment


County Compact Clipper Wheelbarrow, 90L

Garden Oasis