The King’s Birthday Honours List has been released and there are several notable names from horticulture that have been honoured

By Daisy Bowie-Sell

Published: Tuesday, 20 June 2023 at 12:00 am

The King’s Birthday Honours List has been released for this year, with several notable honours for people from the horticultural world.

Garden designer Tom Stuart Smith has been appointed an OBE for his services to landscape architecture, while Katy Merrington, cultural gardener at Hepworth Wakefield gallery, is recognised with the British Empire Medal for services to the arts and to the community in Wakefield.

The birthday honours list is chosen by the King following recommendations by the government, although members of the public can also recommend people for an award.

Don’t miss our Reader Day with Tom Stuart-Smith at Serge Hill

Other people from the horticultural world who have been recognised include

Johnathan David Covey Tree Nursery Manager (British Empire Medal)

Buglife founder and vice president Alan Stubbs (MBE)

Susan Copeland, National Gardens Scheme East of England chair and trustee (MBE)

Richard Barley, director of gardens, RBG Kew (MBE)

John Gault, rhododendron grower and nurseryman, Limavady (British Empire Medal)

Claire Woods, Head Gardener at HRP Hillsborough Castle (MBE)

Angela Hewitt, founder trustee of Naturezones Wildlife Educational Trust (British Empire Medal)

Dr Stewart Harding of the Parks Agency (MBE)

Geoffrey Cole, formerly parks manager for Birmingham, latterly director, Birmingham Trees for Life, a project (2006-2022) (British Empire Medal)

Take part in our exclusive Reader Day with Tom Stuart-Smith at his garden Serge Hill