With England seeing its driest July in decades in 2022 and more dry weather on the way this year, we investigate the impact of a potential national drought being declared and what this would mean for our gardens

By Gardens Illustrated Team

Published: Wednesday, 23 August 2023 at 11:44 AM

What does drought mean for our gardens?

Last year England experienced its driest July since 1935, with a record-breaking heatwave that saw temperatures reach over 40°C, and lower than average rainfall across much of the country. South east England saw only 7 per cent of its normal rainfall in July. This resulted in low river flows across much of England, and reservoir levels falling across Yorkshire, central and south-west England.

More on drought tolerant gardens

While we haven’t got to last year’s levels of heat and lack of rain yet, here’s everything you need to know about drought and our gardens.

Are we facing a drought in the UK?

We were warned earlier this year by the National Drought Group that England is one hot, dry spell away from severe drought conditions returning in 2023. There are two areas that are still in official “drought” status (East Anglia and Devon and Cornwall) with the remainder now “recovering”. A hosepipe ban is still in effect for South West water users.

Is there a hosepipe ban in the UK?

So far hosepipe bans have been announced by South West Water which has extended its hose pipe ban to parts of Devon from April 25th.

Kent and Sussex now have a hosepipe ban in place, from June 26 due to the demand for drinking water.

Here’s everything you need to know about hosepipe bans.

How to look after your garden during dry weather

Save water During this period of prolonged dry weather, gardeners are being encouraged to use water wisely to protect water supplies and the environment. This involves avoiding use of hosepipes and sprinklers, opting instead for watering cans filled with water from a water butt, or reusing grey water. Read more water-saving ideas.

Water your plants at the right time of day During hot weather it’s important to water your plants at the right time of day – first thing in the morning or in the evening – avoiding full sun when the water will evaporate quickly from the soil.

Don’t water your lawn A yellow, parched lawn might not look very attractive but grasses are hardy plants that can endure dry spells and will bounce back once cooler, wetter weather reappears.

Plant drought-tolerant plants Drought-tolerant plants such as salvias, phlomis and euphorbias are resilient, reliable plants that require very little water and can give your garden a beautifully Mediterranean aesthetic.

Start making long-term changes now With the effects of Climate Change it’s believed the UK could experience more extremes of dry hot weather in summer and wet weather in winter. Read our feature about what you can do in your garden to help adapt to these changes.

Don’t miss our piece on the best drought tolerant plants.