Try your hand at an Easter wreath with flowers and foliage to celebrate the arrival of spring. Words and styling Jacky Mills, photographs Éva Németh

By Jacky Mills

Published: Tuesday, 26 March 2024 at 10:12 AM

Wreaths are a fantastic way to celebrate the changing seasons throughout the year, not just over the Christmas period. This one uses a palette of bronze foliage nestled amid swirling stems of ivy reddened by winter cold, fresh spring greens of unfurling maple leaves and vibrant hellebore flowers intermingled with white and plum highlights.

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Many green-leaved deciduous trees exhibit coppery new growth in spring thanks to red-pigmented anthocyanins. When this tender growth sits against the sparkling white blossom of a cherry, spirea or amelanchier, it makes a beautiful, shimmering combination fit for any celebration.

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At this time of year, new deciduous growth can be sappy and won’t last as long out of water as evergreen branches do. It needs to be really well conditioned and the finished piece may not last as long as a winter wreath, but its ephemerality is part of its charm. It will dry out but still look stunning for months afterwards. If you want to prolong the life of any flower use flower tubes, securely wired and discreetly hidden among the foliage.

I wanted a loose, twiggy structure reminiscent of a bird’s nest for the base, so I used several long lengths of Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) with its knobbly texture and wandering tendrils eased and twisted into a circle, held with a turn of wire. Alternatively, use winter prunings from grapevines or honeysuckle.