Dawn and Steve Diggines run Retrovation from a barn in Hertfordshire, selling their distinctive and wide-ranging inventory of decorative antiques, vintage luggage, curious objects and brown furniture…

We have always loved buying antiques and incorporating pieces into our home. After filling our family home near St Albans and our holiday rental in Devon with antiques, we decided to start Retrovation in 2013 so that we could continue buying things we love. We started renting a workshop and barn on a local farm in Hertfordshire five years ago, which allows us to do light restoration, too.
We sell what we love. If you walk around our home you will see the same types of things that you will see in our barn. It has to be beautifully made and have handcrafted details. We’re particularly keen on pieces that have had a previous practical use, such as mahogany shop display cabinets and cafe chairs. At the moment we have 1950s school laboratory stools, an Edwardian dentist chair, desks and swivel chairs. We choose things that have a story to tell, for example old travel trunks and suitcases covered in labels. We stock old books, too.
We love finding beautiful antique pieces that can t into a modern interior. We believe that mixing old and new adds personality and warmth. Antique pieces have character that comes from being handmade by craftsmen and years of use and wear. When sourcing our stock, we avoid new art auctions and high prices and dig around in the back of garages and si through general auction catalogues. We try to do as much as we can ourselves, including light restoration and deliveries.
The Retrobarn is on a working farm and it is a workshop, showroom and store. It changes all the time as pieces come and go. It is not a staged showroom and the people who love to come are those who, like us, love to rummage.
Our style is ‘eclectic English’, as we are drawn to pieces with history and craftsmanship. We don’t limit ourselves to one category and o er unique pieces to add soul and character to a modern interior. retrovation.co.uk