Your mail, photos, ideas and rants

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I’m 74 years old and a born-again mountain biker. Thirty years ago I was an avid rider on a ‘proper’ machine. Now, thanks to electric bikes, I can still achieve what I used to, and I really enjoy it.

As an oldie, when I read MBUK all I see are young people throwing themselves into the air. It got me thinking – every time I go out riding, I meet men and women like myself, who don’t go hurtling off rocks and prefer a less dangerous lifestyle, exploring the outdoors and enjoying the scenery, with a bit of rough stuff and fast downhills thrown in (although today I have to be more careful, because I don’t bounce like I used to!). So, I thought it’d be great if you could have a page or two dedicated to us, where you can print some routes suitable for seniors.

We don’t need any fancy names or professional riders, just an ordinary Joe like me who’s just got back into biking, which would also have the added advantage of ‘if I can do it, so can you’. I go riding with my friend every Wednesday and we average 20 miles on good off-road tracks. On our last ride, we went from Edenfield in Lancashire and over Rooley Moor Road, a really tricky route (for me anyway), starting off with a steep climb on the rough stuff. As you continue ascending, you can see the

remains of Roman roads, plus three miles of cobbles dropping down past two reservoirs to the long climb up Rochdale Road and a stop-off at a snack van for the best bacon butty in the world, or a pint at the pub across the road!

With something like this in it, the magazine would be a better read for people of my age. Plus, I wouldn’t mind testing new equipment, which would be useful to people like me. I hope I’ve given you guys something to think about, if nothing else!

It’s great to hear you’re back riding again and enjoying it so much, Neil. Here at MBUK we’ve always tended to focus on the wilder, faster and more adrenaline-fuelled side of mountain biking, not least because it makes for such great pictures. But we do realise that many people in the scene – including a couple on our team – prefer the gentler, more explorative side of the sport. Plus, there’s definitely something to be said for a social day out on the bike that ends at a pub! Have you checked out our Big Rides section? We’re careful to provide a range of routes with our OS maps, to cater for different skill and fitness levels, and they’re all on natural trails, not tracks packed with jumps. Wherever you end up on your next ride, this selection of Lezyne kit should help you out!

Shot of the month


1. Jo Harvey bagged this wicked shot of the Dirt Wars competition at the Malverns Classic. Mega! Look out for more on the contest in next month’s mag

2. We love this one of Polly Williams; still grinning in spite of one seriously taco’d wheel!

3. It’s golden hour on the South Downs in this beautiful pic from Neil Slack

4. Here’s Troy Martin shredding hard at Les Gets Bike Park in France, brilliantly snapped by his mum


Tag your Instagram pics with #mbukletters. We’ll pick four each issue and our favourite will win a Lezyne Torque Drive, Lezyne Grip Drive HV & Lezyne Micro Floor Pump courtesy of Usual T&Cs apply.


The dust, the shadows, the serious radness – everything about this shot of @els_shreds is killer!

An incredible moody landscape in this one from @themanfrommull

A beautiful summery ride through North Wales with @edwynevs

@jxshhb flying through the ferns at Stile Cop, Staffordshire


We’re pretty sure legs aren’t supposed to bend that way! Adie Haldane tells us how he managed it: “I was at the Nevis Range in Scotland and decided to try a jump on the bottom of the World Cup course. Opting to take the jump line at the start of the motorway, I forgot about the first gap jump, which I cased badly! My bike went one way and I went the other – while clipped in. After dusting myself off, I tried to stand up but couldn’t, due to a searing pain in my foot, which was pointing 180 degrees in the wrong direction! I managed to straighten it to 90 and phoned my family. They got the staff and on-site doctor. After being winched onto the gondola, I went to Belford Hospital and on to Inverness for surgery. It turned out that I’d broken both tibia and fibula, and dislocated my ankle!”