By Molly Moss

Published: Sunday, 06 February 2022 at 12:00 am

It’s no secret that Doctor Who: Flux, the 13th series of the show, which has an average consolidated rating of 4.84 million across its six episodes, saw a ratings dip compared to Doctor Who series 12.

For comparison, that 10-episode series, which aired in early 2020, has an average consolidated rating of 5.4 million viewers per episode, suggesting that viewership has declined.

Eve of the Daleks, meanwhile, the Doctor Who new year special, attracted a live audience of just over 3.2 million, a decline of almost 400,000 from episode 6’s showing.

Here is a summary of the numbers, as reported by

However, executive producer Matt Strevens considers these viewing figures “healthy for any drama on terrestrial”.

“What’s fascinating to me is the way Doctor Who viewing figures are obsessed over, unlike many other shows on TV,” he told Doctor Who Magazine. “And that’s fine, because I think it’s a testament to the fact that people are still always keen to read about Doctor Who. So that’s probably a positive thing.”

“I think they’re happy,” he added. “Of course, you get the odd juggernaut, like [2021’s] Vigil, but by and large, five-odd million is really healthy for any drama on terrestrial. And on streaming services, they can only dream of figures like that. So I think our ratings are really respectable.

A consolidated rating combines live viewership with people who watched via recording or catch-up service in the seven days after the initial broadcast, meaning additional viewers may catch-up at a later date.

“For me, what’s sometimes… frustrating is too strong a word… but when overnight figures are reported and compared to previous consolidated figures, in order to make the most dramatic headline, that’s a bit disingenuous. Especially when you look at the way television is consumed today. Doctor Who is available on iPlayer, so audiences can still watch it whenever and wherever they choose.”

Colin Baker, Bonnie Langford and Russell T Davies reveal a new adventure for the Sixth Doctor!

DWM 574 includes an exclusive preview of Mind of the Hodiac. Plus an interview with Doctor Who’s outgoing executive producer Matt Strevens and much more.

On sale Thursday 3 February.

— Doctor Who Magazine (@DWMtweets) January 31, 2022