By Rob Leane

Published: Monday, 04 April 2022 at 12:00 am

5.0 out of 5 star rating

The Force is strong with LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. Naff puns aside, this is the best LEGO game yet and one of the most ambitious Star Wars games of all time. In some ways, you could even say that it makes the films better.

Releasing this week on PlayStation, Xbox, PC and Nintendo Switch, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga retells all nine of the main ‘Episode’ films in the franchise, from The Phantom Menace through the original trilogy and all the way up to the conclusion of The Rise of Skywalker.

It’s worth noting that you can start with whichever trilogy you want, and swap between those trilogies at any point. So whichever way you like to watch the Star Wars films in order, there will be something to suit your preference on offer.

The beautiful thing is this: even if you didn’t like some of those films at the time of their release, you may enjoy them here. The game doesn’t hesitate to poke fun at them, validating and addressing some of the common qualms, jabbing good-heartedly at the exact same moments that probably offended your tastes in the first place.

The game adds in extra dialogue, new visual elements and plenty of gags to expand on what was seen in the movies, even going so far in some cases as to connect some dots that weren’t explicitly linked together in the films.

Rey and Kylo Ren duel in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
Warner Bros Games

For example, if you hang around in Maz’s cantina for longer than Rey did in The Force Awakens, you’ll hear that Han Solo did know something about Rey’s heritage after all – even though the films didn’t reveal it until two instalments later. Moments like this, although played for laughs, tighten up the overall storytelling tapestry in a more cohesive way than the movies did.

This revisionist space-opera history is welcome in this writer’s household, to such an extent that we’d say LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is well worth seeking out for any Star Wars fans that would like to remedy their relationship with the films.

Given that there seems to be very little chance of a non-LEGO game or any other retelling of those films, this is your best chance to rekindle your love for the eponymous Skywalker Saga. It goes some way to fixing the films, making all those disparate bricks fit together a bit better than they did on the big screen.