By Patrick Cremona

Published: Thursday, 28 April 2022 at 12:00 am

The news that Russell T Davies is returning for a second stint as Doctor Who showrunner came as a massive shock when it was announced last year – and it turns out it wasn’t only fans who were pleasantly surprised by the news.

In a recent interview with Doctor Who Magazine, outgoing showrunner Chris Chibnall revealed that he was only informed of the decision just 36 hours before it was made public, although he admitted he already had some suspicions.

“Piers [Wenger] and Charlotte [Moore] told me,” he explained. “I had a suspicion, because Russell hadn’t texted me for a while. And he’s never been that quiet!”

Chibnall added that he’d been in regular touch with Davies since the announcement was made – and commented that it wasn’t necessary to leave many handover notes given the returning writer’s past time on the show.

As for what direction the show will take in Davies’ second spell as boss, Chibnall explained that “I know a little about what’s going to happen, but not very much.

“Really I don’t want to know, because I just want to go back to enjoying watching the show as a viewer,” he added.

Davies famously spearheaded the return of Doctor Who in 2005 and helmed the series for four monumentally successful seasons before stepping aside in 2010, when he was replaced by Stephen Moffat.

His return was greeted very enthusiastically when it was announced in September 2021, and Whovians are now desperate to see what his new vision for the show will look like.

DWM 577 is out this Thursday, 28 April!

— Doctor Who Magazine (@DWMtweets) April 26, 2022