By Daniel Furn

Published: Friday, 27 May 2022 at 12:00 am

More than 20 years have passed since Donnie Darko was released – and flopped – in cinemas, but the fan theories, possible explanations and interest in the film have only increased since then.

The very definition of a cult classic, Donnie Darko is continuing to attract – and puzzle – new audiences to this day. With even stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Seth Rogen reportedly unsure as to what the film is actually about when it was released, it’s not surprising that an explainer may be needed given all the time travel, alternate universes and that giant rabbit.

It’s certainly not the easiest film to explain – and the film’s intentional ambiguity means there are several valid explanations and theories floating around – but we’re going to fully unpack the mind-bending film below.

Beware of spoilers of course, as Donnie Darko is very much a film best watched knowing as little as possible!

Donnie Darko ending explained

Donnie Darko ends with the troubled titular protagonist taking Gretchen and his friends to see Roberta Sparrow before the prophesied end of the world, only to be attacked by bullies Seth and Ricky. During the struggle Sparrow returns home, and a car swerves to avoid her only to hit and kill Gretchen instead. It is revealed that Elizabeth’s boyfriend Frank is driving the car, while wearing the rabbit costume from Donnie’s visions. Distraught, Donnie shoots Frank in the eye with his father’s gun, giving Frank the wound we saw earlier in the film.

Donnie then carries Gretchen’s body to his house, where a vortex has opened, and drives to a nearby ridge in one of his parents’ cars. He watches as the plane carrying his mother and sister gets caught in the vortex, ripping off an engine and sending it back in time. Events then rewind as Donnie travels back in time to October 2nd, where Donnie laughs and allows himself to be hit by the falling jet engine. All around town, those whose lives would have been affected by Donnie wake up from troubled dreams, and Gretchen learns of Donnie’s death and gives his grieving mother a knowing wave.

While there are certainly plenty of clues throughout the film as to what the ending means – or could mean – events are intentionally left ambiguous which allows for multiple explanations. However, in 2004, a director’s cut was released which contained an extra 20 minutes of footage, which was far more thorough in its explanation of events and gives us a (mostly) clear idea of what happens in the film.

Jake Gyllenhaal and Drew Barrymore in Donnie Darko
Newmarket Films

Donnie Darko Director’s Cut

Alongside scenes such as Donnie learning his drugs are placebos and the English teacher explaining Watership Down to the class, the biggest change in the director’s cut is superimposed pages from The Philosophy of Time Travel, Roberta Sparrow’s book that Donnie is given by his science teacher in the film. The text was available on the film’s website on release and is still viewable at, and turns the film far more into a science fiction movie and provides a far clearer overview of events.

According to the text from The Philosophy of Time Travel, most of the film takes place in an alternate Tangent Universe which is created on October 2nd. This universe is an exact replica of the main Primary Universe from which Donnie originates apart from the Artifact – a duplicate object usually made of metal, in this case a jet engine.

The Tangent Universe can’t handle the anomaly of having two duplicate jet engines within it, and thus becomes unstable and will only last 28 days before collapsing into a black hole that would destroy the Primary Universe also.

Donnie has been chosen as The Living Receiver whose mission is to return the Artifact back to the Primary Universe, which will allow the Tangent Universe to collapse safely without destroying the Primary Universe. He has also been given supernatural powers within the Tangent Universe, including foresight, strength (used to bury the axe in the school mascot) and telekinesis (used to send the jet engine through the wormhole) though at the cost of troubling visions and paranoia.

All the people connected to Donnie in the Tangent Universe are the Manipulated Living, who subconsciously guide the Living Receiver to send back the Artifact. However those who die in the Tangent Universe  – ie Frank and Gretchen – become the Manipulated Dead and gain special powers to move through time.

Together all of the Manipulated set up The Ensurance Trap, a domino-like chain of events that gives The Living Receiver no choice but to send the Artifact back. Frank tells Donnie to flood the school so that he can walk Gretchen back and become romantically involved with her. It is her death that leads Donnie to shoot Frank, which creates Manipulated Dead Frank who travels through time and manipulates Donnie’s actions throughout the film.

With Gretchen dead, the only way Donnie can save her – and all reality – is to sacrifice himself and close the Tangent Universe. As prophesied a vortex appears – which is actually the Tangent Universe collapsing – and Donnie uses telekinesis to send the same jet engine back to the Primary Universe. The Tangent Universe then unravels, and we return to the Primary Universe on October 2nd, where the last 28 days have never happened. Armed with the knowledge of the Tangent Universe and accepting his fate, Donnie voluntarily remains in bed as the jet engine hits, choosing to die so that Gretchen, his family and this universe can survive.

However, all of those who would have been connected to Donnie in the Tangent Universe suddenly wake up, suggesting that they may have experienced some of this alternate reality in their dreams. This is shown by Frank touching his eye and Gretchen waving to Donnie’s mum – suggesting they have some subconscious awareness of what happened.

Jake Gyllenhaal and Jena Malone in Donnie Darko
Newmarket Films

Donnie Darko timeline

Given all the time-travelling, alternate universes and dead men walking around in bunny suits, you’d be forgiven for maybe wanting a clearer outline of events. So see below for a breakdown of the film’s timeline in both universes:

Saturday 1st October

The opening scenes of the film – where Donnie bikes home and argues with his sister and mother – take place in the Primary Universe. We remain in this timeline right up until the first scene with Frank.

Sunday 2nd October

The Tangent Universe is created where Donnie avoids the jet engine crash, and we remain in this universe until the end of the film. Donnie is told that the world will end in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds, before waking up on a golf course. He comes home to discover a jet engine has mysteriously landed on his house, and the Darkos stay in a hotel.

Monday 3rd October

On what appears to be the next day, Donnie goes to school where Gretchen joins his English class. On the drive home his father narrowly avoids hitting “Grandma Death” and Donnie tells his psychotherapist, Dr. Thurman, about Frank.

Wednesday 5th October

Donnie floods the school on Frank’s orders.

Thursday 6th October

Donnie walks Gretchen home and asks her out. Dr. Thurman attempts to hypnotise Donnie for the first time.

Monday 10th October

Donnie receives The Philosophy of Time Travel from his science teacher and realises it was written by “Grandma Death” Roberta Sparrow.

Tuesday 18th October

Donnie attempts to kiss Gretchen. Dr. Thurman meets Donnie’s parents to discuss upping his medication while Donnie looks at Frank in the mirror.

Wednesday 26th October

English teacher Karen Pomerey tells Donnie about the significance of the words Cellar Door as she leaves the school. Donnie tells Cherita that everything will be OK and takes her earmuffs.

Saturday 29th October

Donnie and Elizabeth throw a party. Donnie and Gretchen make love.

Sunday 30th October

Donnie and Gretchen go to visit Roberta Sparrow, only to be attacked by bullies resulting in Gretchen being hit and killed by a car. Donnie shoots Frank, before sending the jet engine back in time to the Primary Universe. The Tangent Universe ends.

Sunday 2nd October

We now return to the Primary Universe on October 2nd, where none of the events of the last 28 days has taken place. Donnie wakes up and laughs, just before the jet engine crashes into his room. Everyone who was connected to Donnie in the Tangent Universe suddenly wakes up, and Gretchen waves to Donnie’s mother after learning of his death.