By Rob Leane

Published: Wednesday, 27 July 2022 at 12:00 am

Now that MultiVersus is out and about in the world, it’s time to scrub up on the unique lingo of the new Warner Bros game, specifically its liberal use of the word ‘toast’.

Of course, we’re all familiar with the concept of putting sliced bread in a toaster (or perhaps under a grill) to turn it into a tasty portion of toast, but how exactly is that relevant in MultiVersus?

Considering that MultiVersus is free, and boasts a number of famous faces on the list of MultiVersus characters, it’s fair to assume that lots of people will be checking out the game at the moment, and you won’t be the only player raising that very question.

Read on to find out the answer! We’ll also explain how to toast another player in MultiVersus, which should help you tick off an early objective in the game.

What is Toast in MultiVersus?

In MultiVersus, toast is basically a peer-reviewing accolade system, which players can use to praise/tip other players after a match.

Think of it like ‘raising a toast’, even though that phrase usually makes you think of glasses of bubbly being held up in appreciation (as opposed to the bread-based toast that you see on screen in MultiVersus).

If you particularly enjoyed playing with a certain player, either because they made for a great teammate or a fierce-but-fair opponent, you can give them a toast as a way of thanking them/showing your appreciation.

What does toast do in MultiVersus?

Well, toast has no gameplay benefit in MultiVersus, but it does do something — players who receive toast will also receive 25 in-game coins to spend however they like in the game’s store.

And so, basically, toast is way of ensuring that it pays to be nice in MultiVersus! A nice touch from the developers, if you ask us.

How to toast another player in MultiVersus

Early on in MultiVersus, you might see an objective that you can only tick off by toasting another player. Basically, you need to give at least one player a ‘toast’ after a game, which is very easy to do.

After you’ve finished a full best-of-three battle against other players, you’ll be taken to a screen where it shows you who won, alongside all the avatars of the other players involved. This is your opportunity to send some toast!

To toast another player in MultiVersus, all you need to do is hover the cursor over the player you’d like to praise (on the aforementioned post-match screen) and you should see an option to ‘Give Toast’ up near the top of the screen.

As the video below shows, all you need to do is click that ‘Give Toast’ prompt, and the player of your choice will be sent some toast. Yum!