By Patrick Cremona

Published: Friday, 12 August 2022 at 12:00 am

New Apple TV+ series Five Days at Memorial tells the true account of five harrowing days in a New Orleans hospital in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Across eight episodes it chronicles events after the floodwaters rose and power failed, leaving exhausted caregivers to make decisions that would eventually lead to a criminal investigation. 

The drama has its roots in Sheri Fink’s 2013 non-fiction book Five Days at Memorial: Life and Death in a Storm-Ravaged Hospital, and according to co-creator Carlton Cuse, the author proved to be of vital importance to the creative team when it came to adapting her work.

“Sheri was a very active participant in the process,” he told “Not only is her book amazing, but then behind that were just mountains of other resources and research.

“She had an encyclopedia of photographs which she provided to our production design team so we could really authentically recreate what it looked like in the hospital and build the hospital set with a very high degree of fidelity.

He added: “I remember Sheri came down to the set to visit and I think she was kind of stunned when she was walking around – she had been one of the first people in the hospital after the waters receded and the place was still in a state of complete disarray.

“And I think it was kind of a shock to her to see how accurately we had recreated, at least for her, what that experience was like.”

But even if Cuse was determined to keep things as accurate as possible from a visual point of view – and to truly get across the panic that the hospital’s inhabitants must have felt – he’s also keen to stress that the series is “an adaptation and a dramatisation”.

And so although most of the major events depicted in the series did happen as they are shown, the writers did have to use their imagination when it came to certain conversations and more minor plot points. 

“John [Ridley, co-writer] and I were going for sort of an emotional truth,” Cuse explained. “We wanted to convey the emotional truths of what these characters were experiencing. But I think a feeling of authenticity and really trying to hew to the facts as much as we could within our adaptation is something that was very important.”

Vera Farmiga in Five Days at Memorial.

Two of the most important characters in the series are Dr Anna Pou and Susan Mulderick, played respectively by Vera Farmiga and Cherry Jones. 

Pou was a doctor at the Memorial Medical Center who continued caring for patients even as the flooding became catastrophic, but instead of being regarded as a hero after the worst was over, she found herself arrested on suspicion of second-degree murder.

The reason for the arrest was that several patients had died in her care before the effects of the hurricane had subsided, perhaps relating to some of the snap-shot decisions that had to be made in the chaos of the incident. 

The charges were eventually dropped after a grand jury refused to indict her, and Farmiga said she very quickly became an advocate for her character when reading up on the real Dr Pou.

“This is a woman who was a very skillful surgeon who didn’t have to be there, but chose to show up,” Farmiga told

“She could have evacuated, she wasn’t slated to work, but she showed up because she wanted to be there and she wanted to help people. 

“And for me, it was really just about getting into her headspace, to embody all of that – the striving, the fear, the perseverance, the determination, the will to keep patients comfortable and to alleviate suffering.”