By David Craig

Published: Wednesday, 21 September 2022 at 12:00 am

Star Wars has no shortage of enigmatic rogues, but it’s about to welcome yet another. We’re talking about Andor character Luthen Rael, who is played in the Disney Plus series by superstar actor Stellan Skarsgård.

The mysterious character has been a major presence in the Andor trailers, where he is shown to be someone who will sacrifice everything for the good of the rebel cause.

Naturally, he’ll be a formative figure in the life of Cassian Andor (Diego Luna), who goes on to become one of the galaxy’s most noble heroes for his involvement in stealing the Death Star plans – as seen in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Skarsgård’s role has been shrouded in mystery in the lead up to Andor’s release, so here’s everything you need to know about Luthen Rael before streaming the new series on Disney Plus.

Who is Luthen Rael?

Stellan Skarsgård plays Luthen Rael in Andor

Luthen Rael is a spy who enlists Andor for a dangerous mission, described by series creator and head writer Tony Gilroy as the “master puppeteer” of the action-packed story.

“He is the character that links many characters, and he comes at the revolution with an incredible intensity,” Gilroy says of Luthen. “When you meet him, he’s got a secret identity. He has a very upscale gallery where he sells galactic antiquities. But the hunt for antiquities gives him permission to go off and fly around and do different things.

“Luthen has been out in the galaxy for the past thirteen years talent scouting, building relationships, buying stolen military equipment from one place, selling it someplace else, making sure that people talk to each other, building this huge network.

“He deals with Mon Mothma on one end, and he finds Cassian on the other end. The timing of their meeting is very providential for both of them.”

From these comments, we can gather that Luthen is a key figure in the formation of what will eventually become the Rebel Alliance, although Skarsgård himself has hinted that the character operates in shades of grey.

What has Stellan Skarsgård said about joining Star Wars?