By Morgan Jeffery

Published: Friday, 11 November 2022 at 12:00 am

Eight years on from his directorial debut on 2014 film The Water Diviner, Russell Crowe has stepped back behind the camera – the Oscar winner not only plays the lead role in his latest movie, Poker Face, but has also written the screenplay and directs.

Speaking to, Crowe revealed that the lengthy break between directing projects came about because of the passing of his close friend, Andrew Lesnie, a cinematographer who worked on The Water Diviner and also collaborated with Peter Jackson on The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies.

“I had a very unfortunate situation arise after The Water Diviner – because in reality I should have just gone straight on to the next film and the next film,” Crowe explained. “But my partner in crime, Andrew Lesnie, who had been a friend of mine for 20 plus years, he passed away, and he was the Costello to my Abbott, if you know what I mean. I found it very, very difficult to think about being on a set [without him].

“We’d grown up with every single influence cinematically being the same – we finished each other’s sentences, we just were two halves of a whole and to lose that really took the momentum out of me wanting to direct.”