By Patrick Cremona

Published: Thursday, 15 December 2022 at 12:00 am

When the first Avatar film was released back in 2009 – and for a number of years afterwards – 3D was the big thing of the moment, mooted by many experts as the long-term future of big-screen entertainment.

Now, 13 years later, Avatar: The Way of Water arrives in a very different cinema landscape – one where the fascination with 3D has more or less completely subsided.

But producer Jon Landau is adamant that public appetite for 3D is still there, and in an exclusive interview with, he explained that he thought it had sometimes been unfairly demonised.

“I think there are times when 3D might have gotten a bad name because people didn’t do it right,” he explained. “But it’s like anything – if you shoot a movie and it’s out of focus, people will go, ‘Wow that cinematography was bad’. So 3D we really believe enhances your experience and the audience’s experience.”

He added: “I think that when we were making the first Avatar there was zero appetite for 3D. There were next to zero screens that could do 3D. But it didn’t stop us because we believed in it – and we still believe in it.

“I’m not saying it should be ubiquitous in the business, but we believe that when you want to transport someone to the world of Pandora it is an essential element of giving them the best possible experience of that story.”