Alina gets the wrong idea and Leanne clashes with Debbie.

By Johnathon Hughes

Published: Tuesday, 10 August 2021 at 12:00 am

Fiz Stape (Jennie McAlpine) tries to take the blame for Hope Stape (Isabella Flanagan) starting the fire only for Tyrone Dobbs (Alan Halsall) to admit the truth – could their disturbed daughter end up in prison?

A misunderstanding makes Alina Pop (Ruxandra Porojnicu) think she’s engaged, Daisy Midgeley (Charlotte Jordan) is haunted by the past as she crushes on Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard) and a new era dawns at the bistro.

Here are all your Coronation Street spoilers for 16th – 20th August 2021.

Fiz freed as Hope is charged


Nobly attempting to take the blame for her daughter’s destructive actions, Fiz spends the night in a cell after claiming the salon flat fire was all her fault. Tyrone can’t keep up the protective pretence any longer and tells the police Hope was responsible, after Alina and Evelyn Plummer (Maureen Lipman) point out the girl is dangerous and needs professional help.

Fiz fumes at Ty’s betrayal but eventually realises he did the right thing. Hope admits to deliberately setting the cot alight as she was jealous at the thought of daddy having another baby, but insists she didn’t mean to hurt anybody. The police explain to Fiz and Ty she will be charged, and could face a trial and possibly juvenile prison…

Tyrone engaged to Alina but back with Fiz?


Aggrieved Alina hits the bottle, pushed out as her boyfriend supports his ex over their daughter’s fate – despite Hope causing her to have a miscarriage. Fiz spots her love rival drunkenly stumbling in the street and urges Tyrone to take her home, and the mechanic is mortified to learn she feels forgotten.

He tries to reassure his other half he’s sorry how things have turned out and hoped they’d settle down and get hitched one day – which alcohol-fuelled Alina takes a proposal of marriage, and she accepts! Realising he’s accidentally got engaged, the Dobbs dude has no choice but to go along with it as news spreads across the cobbles. After Hope’s sentencing, he privately breaks down to Fiz, blaming himself for ruining everything with his infidelity. As the old flames crack open the booze, could a reunion be on the cards?

Daisy makes her move on Daniel


Devious Daisy’s crush on dashing Daniel deepens after hearing the house his mum has gifted him is worth £400,000. Ditching no-hoper Ryan Connor (Ryan Prescott), the bolshy barmaid tries to impress Ken Barlow’s bookish son by quoting Byron and pretending she’s always had a love for literature. Reading unauthorised Kardashian biographies doesn’t count, luv.

Initially uninterested Daniel sees Daisy in a different light when she drops the seduction act and kindly offers to help when Bertie has a health scare. Jenny Connor (Sally Ann Matthews) reveals how her stepdaughter was affected by the death of her brother Tommy, and explains the incident must’ve brought back painful memories. Daisy may have a heart but that doesn’t mean she’s completely trustworthy – Daniel still better watch out…

Battle at the bistro


Debbie Webster (Sue Devaney) plays hard ball by rejecting the offer from Leanne Battersby (Jane Danson) and Nick Tilsley (Ben Price) to buy into the bistro, although secretly she wants to bite both their arms off but doesn’t want to appear desperate. Soon the deal is on, though Nick is worried his fiery girlfriend will clash with no-nonsense Debbie and wonders if going into business is a good idea after all.

Lee is determined to debunk Nick’s sexist assumptions and work with her fellow strong female, not against her. Thankfully, the women prove themselves to be quite the terrifying team when they send a supplier off with their tail between their legs for trying to fleece them. Weatherfield be warned, no one crosses these two!

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