Malala Windsor, aka Spider-UK, opens up an exciting future for Muslim Marvel representation on and off screen.

By Shaheena Uddin

Published: Friday, 09 June 2023 at 12:00 am

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is a ground-breaking film in many ways, between featuring six unique animation styles, to becoming the 10th highest-grossing movie of 2023 and the best reviewed Letterboxd film. 

One particularly trailblazing feature was the first ever Muslim, hijab-wearing Spider-Woman. The new character, Malala Windsor (Spider-UK), only graces the screen for a few lines, but her presence did not go amiss amongst greatly appreciative fans.  

The voice actress, Sofia Barclay (who appeared in Nida Manzoor’s Muslim show We Are Lady Parts) shared her thoughts on her character, saying: “I think she’s quirky and cheeky, her look celebrates the traditional hijab style, but with typical Spidey-characteristics!” 

When asked about the character’s more famous name-sake, the Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai, Sofia said: “Who better to model a superhero after than a real-life superhero? A woman famous in real life for her integrity and bravery when faced with dangerous odds: yes please!” 

Kris Anka, the character and costume designer on Across the Spider-Verse, explained that he was asked by the directors and producers to make Spider-UK a Muslim woman with a hijab. The design itself was two months in the making and he started planning it two years ago. 

Malala Windsor concept art from Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.
Kris Anka

Kris did extensive research into how different women wear hijabs, reaching out to his hijabi friends and studying the movement of headscarves in sports.

“I ended up taking a lot of inspiration from runners and swimmers and used that to help define her overall body type, but also the construction of her suit,” he said. “We wanted her to feel practical but based on authenticity.” 

Kris explained how “the big phrase with the movie is that ‘anyone can wear the mask’, but it’s equally as important for us making the film that we back that up…We want everyone to believe they can be the hero.”

Marvel and Sony have been making strides to include Muslim characters lately, with the Spider-Man universe at the forefront. The first hijabi Muslim character to grace the MCU was in Spider-Man: Far from Home, where British-Pakistani actress Zoha Rahman played one of Peter Parker’s classmates 

Equally, in Insomniac’s Spider-Man PS4 game, a background hijabi character refuses Spider-Man’s handshake and hug due to religious principles, but expresses her admiration as a fan.