Build up your building.

By Cole Luke

Published: Monday, 04 September 2023 at 15:52 PM

Much like Fallout 4, Bethesda’s latest epic RPG features base building that allows you to create a place to put your feet up and act as a factory to create resources to sell or to expand your outposts.

To help you figure it all out, we have our guide on how to build Starfield outposts, with the best locations and extra storage offered explained.

While base building might seem quite overwhelming at first, it’s actually reasonably straightforward when compared to the brain-hurting digipick lockpicking.

You can also put certain characters and companions on your outposts to increase their output. It can also be a nice retreat for you and your romantic partner.

If you’re not ready to delve into the New Game Plus, then base building is a great way to extend your time in Starfield without committing to starting all over again.

With that said, the universe is out there ready for your digital duplex so read on and get building!

How to build outposts in Starfield

To build an outpost in Starfield, press the LB button (on Xbox) or F key (on PC) to open the scanner and then simply press the X button (on Xbox) or R key (on PC) to lay down an Outpost Beacon that will claim the surrounding land as your own.

Next, you can press tab to see what is available to construct and start placing some structures such as Resource Extractors. These extractors require a Power Source so you’ll need to build these too if you want any of your structures to work.

You need to have enough resources to actually build, however, and the most common you’ll need are aluminium and iron.

You won’t initially be able to build outposts on certain planets and moons that have extreme conditions. You need to unlock the different ranks of Planetary Habitation to open up outpost construction on different kinds of planets.

It is wise to build turrets, too, as hostile fauna and pirates can make a dog’s dinner out of your outpost if they are left unprotected.

Upgrading Planetary Habitation also increases the number of outposts you can build to expand your space empire.

Planetary Habitation (Science)

You can further improve your outpost by putting skill points into other related branches. This will help things like the efficiency of research and resource extraction.

Outpost Management (Science)

Outpost Management (Social)

Research Methods (Science)

Read more on Starfield:

Best locations to build outposts in Starfield

The best locations to build outposts in Starfield are planets that feature as many of the resources that you need to get the most from the one location.

To see what resources a planet has, travel close to it and open up the map menu and hit the X button (on Xbox) or R key (on PC) to scan the planet.

This will reveal what resources are available and where, by highlighting the planet with colours that correspond to the resource type. Try and aim for where the colours converge to get a settlement that has access to multiple resources.

A good planet to start on, though, is Jemison in the Alpha Centauri star system, as it has a temperate climate – meaning you can build there without unlocking anything.

The moon Andaphron orbiting planet Sumati in the Narion system is a great outpost candidate as it is rich with resources such as aluminium, benzene, europium, helium-3 and iron.

Also in the Alpha Centauri system is Zanka which has plenty of nickel and copper.

What can Starfield outposts do? Extra storage and more

As we’ve alluded to, outposts in Starfield can generate resources for you to sell or use. You can also set up research stations to unlock better gear, outpost structures and more.

You can also simply create more storage for yourself if you find yourself struggling with your inventory. To do this, set up a Transfer Container and you’ll be granted more storage space than you’ll know what to do with.

You can also set up cargo links between outposts to get your resources where you need them. To do this, build a cargo link on every outpost you want to transfer goods between and use the Red Container to place goods you want to be sent away. Items sent to that location will appear in the Green Container.

To improve an outpost, you can also assign companions and characters, and each of these NPCs have different stats that will enhance the desired output, be it resource gathering or research.

Two such characters are Lin and Heller, who you meet during the tutorial. Heller has a one-star rating in geology and a three-star one for outpost engineering, so he’s great for an outpost more focused on research.

Lin, on the other hand, has a one-star rating in demolitions and three stars in outpost management – so she’s a good pick for increasing the efficiency of resource output.

Be sure to check out our companion guide to see all their stats so you know who best to plop in a forgotten corner of space while you’re out gallivanting.