Everything you need to know about skills, including Physical, Social, Combat, Science and Tech

By Toby Saunders

Published: Friday, 15 September 2023 at 11:50 AM

Starfield skills are hugely important to determining your playstyle and how your experience in the humongous space RPG plays out. Where to start though?

For anyone who has played Fallout or Skyrim, Starfield‘s skills setup won’t be that much of a surprise. Split into five main categories, Starfield skills include Physical, Social, Combat, Science and Tech. Each category then has its own sub-sections with four tiers available. The more you invest in each section, the more skills are unlocked.

The problem is that every level gained only earns one skill point. Naturally, this takes longer the more you play too, so deciding where to spend skill points early will help your experience in the long run. To make things clearer, here’s our Starfield skill point recommendations as well as a round-up of every skill in the game.

What are the best skills to spend points on in Starfield?

Starfield scanning skill
Starfield scanning skill.

While this is a tricky question to answer, the best Starfield skills to invest points on at the start of the game are those that improve core abilities including health, oxygen and carrying capacity. We strongly recommend you unlock Wellness, Weight Lifting and Fitness as soon as possible.

Other skills that are essential to learn are Persuasion and Commerce, which should make buying and selling better, and make situations more likely to go your way through dialogue. Targeting Control Systems, Piloting and Boost Pack Training are other skills worth investing in. These will improve your ship piloting and combat no end, as well as your ability to move about the massive areas of the game with a jetpack. Outside of these more general skills, it’s difficult to know where to go next. That, we’re afraid, is all up to you. It all depends on what kind of play style you’re looking for.

There are plenty of options, with five skill trees available: Combat, Tech, Science, Social and Physical. Each tree contains multiple skills across four tiers – Novice, Advanced, Expert and Master – and each skill can also be mastered with four ranks on them all.

The good news is that there is no maximum level cap in Starfield, so you can learn and master every single skill in a playthrough if you wish. Now, it’s time to learn what each of the skills are and what they all do.

Read more on Starfield:

Starfield skill tree explained

Starfield skills science
Starfield skills science.

Upon the opening hours of Starfield, the game will introduce you to its skill tree found within the main menu. This is split across five sections: Physical, Social, Combat, Science and Tech. There are then four tiers underneath each of these sections, with the first one unlocked for free. Four points are needed to be invested to unlock tier two, eight points are needed for tier three and 12 points are needed for the fourth and final tier.

Every skill has four ranks to them, however, to unlock each subsequent one a challenge must be completed. For instance, if you want to maximise Persuasion, you will need to successfully persuade NPCs multiple times. Or if you want to reach the top level with Weight Lifting, you will need to spring while carrying 75 per cent of your weight for a certain distance. Each one varies, but it’s worth hanging onto skill points if you want to hit that top level fast.

Full list of Starfield skills and what they do

There are 82 skills in Starfield to learn and master. Here’s the complete list of Starfield skills and what each one does:



  • Ballistics | Increases damage done by ballistic weapons
  • Dueling | Increases damage done by melee weapons
  • Lasers | Increases damage done by laser weapons
  • Pistol Certification | Increases damage done by pistols
  • Shotgun Certification | Increases damage done by shotguns


  • Demolitions | Increases damage and blast radius of explosives
  • Heavy Weapon Certification | Increases damage done by heavy weapons
  • Incapacitation | Increases damage done by electromagnetic weapons
  • Rifle Certification | Increases damage dealt by rifles


  • Marksmanship | Increases chances of critical hits with non-automatic ranged weapons
  • Particle Beams | Increased damage dealt by particle beam weapons
  • Rapid Reloading | Weapons reload faster
  • Sniper Certification | Scoped weapons have increased steadiness
  • Targeting | Increases accuracy and range when aiming without looking down the sights


  • Armour Penetration | Attacks do more damage to enemy armour
  • Crippling | Increases chances to down enemies
  • Sharpshooting | Increases critical hit damage with ranged weapons



  • Boxing | Increases damage dealt by unarmed attacks
  • Fitness | Increases your total oxygen
  • Stealth | Gives you a stealth meter and makes you harder to detect while sneaking
  • Weight Lifting | Increases carrying capacity
  • Wellness | Increases maximum health


  • Energy Weapon Dissipation | Reduces energy damage taken
  • Environmental Conditioning | Increases resistance to environmental damage
  • Gymnastics | Unlocks combat slide and reduces fall damage. Further ranks improve move speed and firing stability in zero-g, and improves your jump height
  • Nutrition | Increases the effectiveness of food and drink
  • Pain Tolerance | Reduces physical damage taken


  • Cellular Regeneration | Increases chances to recover from injuries naturally
  • Decontamination | Increases chances to recover from infections naturally
  • Martial Arts | Increases chances to land critical hits with melee and/or unarmed attacks


  • Concealment | Adds new stealth abilities: Don’t set off enemy mines, running while sneaking doesn’t affect stealth, blend into the environment when sneaking and remaining still, distant enemies lose sight of you when in stealth. Increases sneak attack damage
  • Neurostrikes | Increases chances of stunning enemies with unarmed attacks
  • Rejuvenation | Regenerate your health quickly outside of battle and slowly in battle