Phelan haunts Eileen and Emma fears for Curtis.

By Johnathon Hughes

Published: Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 12:00 am

The verdict is finally delivered in Seb’s murder trial, but will Corey Brent (Maximus Evans) succeed in sending down Kelly Neelan (Millie Gibson) or will the real killer be brought to justice?

Also, Emma Brooker (Alexandra Mardell) panics when terminally ill Curtis Delamere (Sam Retford) goes missing, Eileen Grimshaw (Sue Cleaver) is haunted by the past and Fiz Stape (Jennie McAlpine) encourages Tyrone Dobbs (Alan Halsall) to leave the street.

Here are all your Coronation Street spoilers for 6th– 10th September 2021: Corrie fans take note there no episodes on Wednesday 8th September this week!

Kelly takes the stand


Seb’s murder trial draws to a close and it’s time for Kelly to take the stand. Having heard Corey’s lies about how she was the instigator of the hate crime attack and threatened him to keep quiet, the teen is ready to set the record straight.

Kel insists it was Corey who kicked the victim to death and that she tried to stop it, and now he’s trying to pin it all on her. Laura Neelan (Kel Allen), Kelly’s unpredictable mum, then has her turn in the witness box and defends her daughter’s reputation, dismissing Corey’s claims. Considering her track record for causing trouble, could Kelly’s mother end up doing more harm than good by giving evidence?

The verdict is in


After some unexpected developments, Imran Habeeb (Charlie de Melo) and Sabeen Habeeb (Zora Bishop) give their closing statements to the jury who are then ushered out to make their decision. Emotional Abi Franklin (Sally Carman) screams from the gallery that Corey can’t be trusted and deserves to be punished for killing her son, and while the jurors deliberate the grieving parent vows to find proof Corey’s dad Stefan Brent (Paul Opacic) has been bribing witnesses to get his son off the hook.

Finally, the verdict is announced, sending shockwaves through the community – has Corey been brought to justice or managed to frame Kelly? Can Abi and Nina Lucas (Mollie Gallagher) get closure on their loss? The tense week ends with Imran putting animosity aside and sharing a drink with ex-wife Sabeen, as some shocking news emerges from the prison that promises even more drama. Whatever the verdict, this story is far from over…

Emma worries as Curtis disappears


The harsh reality of dating someone who could drop dead at any minute from a rare heart condition is starting to be keenly felt by Emma. A week after Curtis collapsed and was rushed to hospital, the cute waiter doesn’t show for an arranged meeting with his girlfriend and she panics he’s taken another turn.

Turns out Curtis is struggling to cope with his health issues and is knocking back the booze alone at the Rovers. Emma and Steve McDonald (Simon Gregson) find him bladdered and belligerent, and Curtis opens up about how his recent scare has left him rattled. Can he get proper answers and an official diagnosis from the doctors, rather than live with such agonising uncertainty about his future?

Eileen learns the truth


Eileen was touched by the story of lonely old spinster Patsy Freeman dying without any relatives to mourn her, and is moved enough to deliver a heartfelt eulogy in an impromptu send-off as Todd Grimshaw (Gareth Pierce) and George Shuttleworth (Tony Maudsley) nervously hide the truth that the spilt ashes were actually that of Eileen’s late husband, the murderous Pat Phelan.

Unable to sustain the ruse, George admits ‘Patsy’ is as fictional as Eleanor Rigby and reveals an urn full of the serial killer’s remains was found in storage and they didn’t want to upset Eileen with the reminder of her evil ex. Eventually forgiving the undertaker for his misguided attempt at preserving her feelings, Eileen wonders whether she and Mr Shuttleworth can give their on/off romance yet another go. Bonding over a mass murderer’s ashes? Now that’s a macabre basis for romance.

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