He made a massive discovery at the hospital.

By Laura Denby

Published: Wednesday, 01 November 2023 at 20:00 PM

Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock) is keeping a huge secret from wife Rhona Goskirk (Zoë Henry), as tonight’s Emmerdale (1st November 2023) revealed that her ex-husband, Gus Malcolm (Alan McKenna), had forged her signature to use their embryos.

Several months ago, Gus and his current wife Lucy (Charlotte Asprey) asked Rhona for permission to use the embryos she had frozen when she was married to Gus.

After days of agonising, Rhona ultimately decided against the idea.

But Gus popped back up to play the hero when Rhona’s mum Mary (Louise Jameson) was attacked by con-woman Faye Helders (Jane Gurnett).

Soon after, Rhona noted that her passport had gone missing. Everyone assumed Faye was responsible, but the truth is far more complex.

Emmerdale: Gus and Rhona talk in a cafe
Gus previously tried to convince Rhona to give her consent over the embryos.

As the Dingles continued to unveil their alibis over Craig Reed’s (Ben Addis) murder in the present day, a flashback showed Marlon attending a hospital appointment, where his consultant happily informed him that his recovery from the stroke he suffered last year was on track, and it was time to discharge him.


Overwhelmed, Marlon sent Rhona a text with the good news. But as he left the room, Gus and Lucy could be seen walking nearby – and Lucy appeared heavily pregnant.

They were sheepish when they spotted Marlon, who didn’t believe their story that this was a natural conception.

With Marlon worrying that Rhona had changed her mind and gone behind his back, Gus was forced to stop him from calling her as he confessed to taking Rhona’s passport so he could fake her consent.

Gus insisted that this baby was his and Lucy’s dream, but Marlon pointed out that the baby was not Lucy’s.

Gus and Lucy pleaded with Marlon not to tell Rhona for fear that Gus would go to prison, Lucy would end up alone and the baby would suffer.

Marlon branded the pair “delusional” and headed home, where Rhona embraced him over his health news.

But when Marlon began to tell her what he had found out, he was alarmed when Rhona suddenly broke down in tears.

She confided in him about her tough day, having been unable to save an injured dog. Marlon then opted not to reveal Gus and Lucy’s betrayal, but will Rhona find out that she has a biological child on the way?