FM fans are in for a treat.

By Rob Leane

Published: Friday, 03 November 2023 at 14:48 PM

4.0 out of 5 star rating

Before we kick off our FM24 review, how about some context? From a certain point of view, you could describe Football Manager 24 as the end of the ‘middle years’ of FM.

What do we mean by that? Well, you could split the history of FM into three eras: the first incarnation of the game had a 2D match engine; this middle era brought in 3D graphics for the matches; and next up, the developers have already promised that FM25 will be a major overhaul, with a new engine running the show behind the scenes.

Listen to our One More Life gaming podcast – the next episode is about FM!

Indeed, if you’ve been playing these footy-bossing games ever since the Championship Manager days, you’ll be no stranger to the ebb and flow of incremental updates, with each new season bringing notable changes to the fore without breaking the established formula.

When we spoke to FM24’s lead designer, Ant Farley, for our One More Life podcast (the episode will be out on Wednesday), he mentioned that the final game of an era — like this one — often ends up as a fan favourite instalment that players stick with for the long term.

Farley even went so far as to call FM24 a ‘love letter’ to this era of the series. And now that we’ve had a chance to play it at length, we’re pleased to report that we think this love letter will be pretty well received by the fans.

The bones of the game are very much still what you’d expect. Your inbox will fill up with transfer requests, press queries and injury updates. Your team selection process will no doubt cause headaches and p*ss some players off. Your board confidence will rise and fall based on your results and targets, with the threat of the sack always looming overhead (or is that just for me?).

At its core, this remains a very fun way for football fans to spend their spare time. If you’ve ever looked at your beloved team’s dwindling form in real life, and wished they’d signed the player you wanted or lumped for your preferred formation, FM is still the best way we know of in which to scratch that tactical itch.

It’s just as addictive ever, in fact, even if more casual armchair experts might prefer to play the simplified Console, Touch or Mobile versions at this point. There’s no denying that the main PC version of the game is an absolute juggernaut in terms of depth, details and databases. For some players, this might be too much. But for others? Well, this is the good stuff.