The concept for the TARDIS’s Cloister Room was initially very different.

By James Hibbs

Published: Monday, 06 November 2023 at 14:31 PM

As Doctor Who fans patiently await their first look at the Fourteenth Doctor’s brand new TARDIS interior, production designer Malcolm Thornton has revealed that a twist was originally planned for the blue box in Tom Baker‘s final story.

Thornton worked on the Fourth Doctor’s story Logopolis, which was the first to introduce the TARDIS’s Cloister Room.

He revealed the scrapped twist when speaking at the BFI Southbank on Saturday 4th November, as part of a panel entitled The TARDIS: The Most Famous Time Machine in the Universe.

Thornton said of the Cloister Room: “That hadn’t been established as a set at that stage, so it was a blank piece of paper for me.

“But my concept for the cloisters was going down into the bowels of the TARDIS – not on any sort of level with the control room and the other ancillary rooms, but to take the Doctor on a journey downwards…

“But the budget was the problem, really. Great idea, but the budgets for the design department on Doctor Who were pretty limited, really.”