“They’re all lying.”

By Abby Robinson

Published: Wednesday, 29 November 2023 at 22:00 PM

*Warning: Spoilers ahead for season 8 episode 5 of Shetland*

Who murdered Ellen Quinn? Over the course of Shetland season 8, multiple suspects have been ruled out, from gangsters John Howell and Lukas Nowak to plumber Peter Ayre and Ellen’s best friend Rosemary Strachan, the local sheep killer.

But in tonight’s episode (Wednesday 29th November), a harrowing reveal saw the police move one step closer to uncovering the person – or persons – responsible for her death.

While consultant psychologist Azir Sandat was being questioned by Tosh, he admitted that Ellen had turned up at his house on the night of her death.

Ellen’s mental health had severely deteriorated due to witnessing the death of Azir and Farida’s child, Akmal. The tragedy occurred while Azir was at work and Farida was sleeping after taking some unprescribed pills her husband had given to her.

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Heather Bain, who was cleaning the Sadat’s house that day alongside Ellen, told them that if they reported the truth – that Azir had illegally supplied his wife with prescription drugs and she had willingly taken them – they would lose everything, so they followed her lead.

Ellen, by contrast, wanted to tell the truth.

“As soon as we started lying, she had us,” he said.

After Akmal’s memorial, Heather asked them for some money, “made it sound like a loan”, and had been doing so ever since.

Ashley Jensen as Ruth Calder and and Alison O'Donnell as Tosh in Shetland. They are talking in a morgue.
Ashley Jensen as Ruth Calder and and Alison O’Donnell as Tosh in Shetland.

When Ellen arrived at the Sadat’s house in the hours leading up to her death, she told Azir she was in trouble and needed money to escape Shetland, but he refused to give her what she wanted. When Ellen became angry, he said he would try and find her some cash in the morning. 

She then left, but Azir claimed he was still worried for her welfare and drove after her. When she climbed into his car, he asked her where she wanted to go.

“I told her I’d take her anywhere,” he said.

Tosh looked concerned.

“Where did you take Ellen?” she asked.

It was the next piece of the puzzle that made her blood run cold.

At the end of the episode, the detective was joined by Ruth and Sandy at the scene of the crime.

“They’re all lying,” said Tosh, standing at the top of the Bain’s driveway. “Ellen came home that night.”

What happened inside the house? And, crucially, which family members were involved in her death?