Take a bow Torvill and Dean.

By Olivia Garrett

Published: Wednesday, 14 February 2024 at 11:02 AM

On the 40th anniversary of their Olympic gold win, ice skating legends Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean have announced their retirement from the sport.

To celebrate, the pair will be embarking on a farewell tour around the UK in 2025.

This Valentine’s Day, the duo have returned to Sarajevo to celebrate their iconic performance at the 1984 winter Olympics, which saw them earn perfect scores of 6.0 from all 12 judges, and overnight fame.

After sharing their news in the early hours on Good Morning Britain, Dean said: “It’s fantastic being here in Sarajevo where it all started for us.

“It’s quite emotional, actually, and nostalgic at the same time. We went back into the Zetra Stadium where we actually performed and stood on the spot where we knelt down to start the Bolero routine and I sort of had tingles in the back of my neck being there again.”